Launched in 2012, the Global Network for Advanced Management includes 32 leading business schools from diverse regions, countries, cultures, and economies in different phases of development. A common motivation of member schools to connect is to position their students, faculty, staff, alumni and other constituencies so that they can deepen their understanding of differences and commonalities in their economies and increase their effectiveness. Member schools recognize that leaders in all sectors will be asked to contribute to the solutions of major problems that are typically complex and global.
Representing a shift beyond traditional partnership models of business school collaboration, the Global Network enables the development of innovative initiatives that leverage the schools’ comparative advantages. Leveraging network efficiencies, utilizing new technologies, building strong institutional and personal relationships, and operating with a minimum of bureaucracy, the Global Network is having a transformational effect on students, member schools, management education, and beyond.
IIMB is the only Indian management school to be a member of the Global Advanced Network for Management (GNAM) - a network of 32 eminent business schools around the world. IIMB became a member of the Global Network for Advanced Management in 2012. The main objective of the network is to prepare students to be better managers in a global world through access to courses and short programmes and also to drive innovation and create value by connecting leading global business schools, their resources, and their stakeholders.
The GNAM provides students of partner schools access to select courses offered by other partner schools through use of digital technology, just as it offers the opportunity to faculty members to teach an international class comprising students from the member schools.
Each year IIMB hosts 3 Global Network Weeks (GNWs) in March, June and October, comprising students from IIMB and various partner schools. Global Network Weeks give students and faculty the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school, in a focused course that leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school. Alongside their counterparts from elsewhere in the network, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current business problems.
IIMB also participates in Global Network Courses or small network online courses (SNOCs)
Global Network Courses are for-credit courses offered virtually by a member school open to students from throughout the network. The courses connect students from multiple member schools online for lectures and discussions, and collaborative team projects, developing teamwork skills and cross-cultural perspectives.
The courses can be thought of as small network online courses, or SNOCs. In contrast to the massive online open courses (MOOCs) offered by many institutions, in which unscreened participants have varying degrees of interest and capabilities, SNOCs enrol a select group of top-tier MBA students engaged in a common effort to build management skills.
By bringing together MBA candidates from member schools as part of their regular coursework, the courses harness the strengths of the Global Network on a daily basis.
GNAM Activities in 2021
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
March 2021 |
33 |
21 |
June 2021 |
69 |
15 |
October 2021 |
85 |
39 |
Global Network Weeks conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
March 15 – 19, 2021 |
Managing Across Cultures: Cultural Competence for Global Business Managers |
2 |
June 14 – 18, 2021 |
Entrepreneurship in India: A multi-threaded perspective |
3 |
October 18 – 22, 2021 |
Behavioral Economics |
4 |
October 18 – 22, 2021 |
Digital Marketing |
5 |
March 14 – 18, 2022 |
Behavioral Economics |
Virtual Collaboration of students across the network (global projects; case competitions; etc.)
GNAM Small Network Open Courses conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
January 13 – February 18, 2021 |
Responsible People Management. |
2 |
September 2 – October 12, 2021 |
Digital Marketing |
3 |
September 7 – October 20, 2021 |
Responsible People Management |
Participated in Global Network Leadership Survey in 2021
Participation by IIMB students in GN (SNOC) courses
Year |
Spring /First half |
Fall /Second half |
20-21 |
10 |
97 |
21-22 |
0 |
72 |
GNAM Activities in 2022
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
March 2022 |
56 |
16 |
Global Network Weeks conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
March 14 – 18, 2022 |
Behavioral Economics |
GNAM Small Network Open Courses conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
January 18 – February 16, 2022 |
Understanding Risk: A Behavioral Economics Approach |
IIMB students who have participated in any GNAM programme all agree that the experience has enriched their knowledge of how global business works.
GNAM activities since 2018:
GNAM Activities in 2018
GN Deans & Directors Meetings
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
October 2018 |
49 |
3 |
Participation by IIMB students in GN (SNOC) courses
Year |
Spring /First half |
Fall /Second half |
18-19 |
3 |
24 |
Professor S Mukherji conducted guest lectures in Urban Resilience: Complexity, Collaborative Structures, and Leadership Challenges, September 4 – December 13, 2018 at UBC Sauder School of Business
GNAM Activities in 2019
GN Deans & Directors Meetings
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
March 2019 |
26 |
12 |
October 2019 |
37 |
14 |
Global Network Weeks conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
March 11 - 15, 2019 |
Managing Across Cultures: Cultural Competence for Global Business Managers |
2 |
October 14 - 18, 2019 |
Inclusive Business Models |
Year |
Spring /First half |
Fall /Second half |
19-20 |
4 |
27 |
Virtual Collaboration of students across the network (global projects; case competitions; etc.)
Resource sharing and Pooling
Participated in Global Network Leadership Survey in 2019
Mr. Rohith Ponneganti was the GNAM Student Ambassador in 2019
GNAM Activities in 2020
GN Deans & Directors Meetings
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
March 2020 |
06 |
NIL (due to covid-19, the GNAM week at IIMB was cancelled |
June 2020 |
32 |
09 |
October 2020 |
47 |
14 |
Global Network Weeks conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
June 8 – 14, 2020 |
Entrepreneurship in India: A multi-threaded perspective |
2 |
October 19-23, 2020 |
Inclusive Business Models: Touching Lives, Creating Livelihoods |
Participation by IIMB students in GN (SNOC) courses
Year |
Spring /First half |
Fall /Second half |
20-21 |
10 |
97 |
Virtual Collaboration of students across the network (global projects; case competitions; etc.)
GNAM Small Network Open Courses conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
January 20 – March 3, 2020 |
Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise |
2 |
October 26 – December 17, 2020 |
Leadership in a Virtually Connected World |
Participated in Global Network Leadership Survey in 2020
GNAM Activities in 2021
MBA Global Weeks, students sent/received, annually
Date |
Students sent |
Students received |
March 2021 |
33 |
21 |
June 2021 |
69 |
15 |
Global Network Weeks conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
March 15 – 19, 2021 |
Managing Across Cultures: Cultural Competence for Global Business Managers |
2 |
June 14 – 18, 2021 |
Entrepreneurship in India: A multi-threaded perspective |
Virtual Collaboration of students across the network (global projects; case competitions; etc.)
GNAM Small Network Open Courses conducted by Faculty
S.No |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
January 13 – February 18, 2021 |
Responsible People Management. |
Participated in Global Network Leadership Survey in 2021
IIMB students who have participated in any GNAM programme all agree that the experience has enriched their knowledge of how global business works.
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