The Civil Servant in a Deregulated Economy

Volume 14, Number 4 Article by G V Ramakrishna December, 2002

The Civil Servant in a Deregulated Economy :

Post liberalisation and globalisation, and the changes that they have spelt for Indian industry and the economy, the bureaucracy has come in for some criticism. G V Ramakrishna, former Secretary to the Government of India, and former Chairman, SEBI, suggests ways in which it can reorient its role to be more effective and credible in the new global environment. The civil servant must arrive at a clear understanding of the policy objectives of the government; assemble and analyse diverse views within the framework of policy making without succumbing to pressure groups; educate interested groups both within and without the government on different aspects of an issue, for inadequate information often causes the best initiatives to fall through; remain abreast of developments around the world; become adept at using new technology and let go of age-old attitudes such as the intransigence towards technical groups; act with transparency, not by publicising official suggestions, but by orderly documentation, thus recording the process of evolution of policy accurately.

While combating corruption, G V Ramakrishna advises, aware that it is more easily said than done, one must do one’s duty fearlessly and be prepared to face the consequences.

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