A Question of Heritage

Volume 14, Number 2 Article by S Swaminathan June, 2002

A Question of Heritage :

S Swaminathan was a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi for 33 years. Acting on his belief that Indian youth have an inadequate understanding of their heritage, and consequently lack a sense of identity, Prof Swaminathan decided to acquaint the students of IIT Delhi with various aspects of Indian culture. Three years ago, Swaminathan opted for voluntary retirement in order to work with an NGO, Integrated Rural Technology Centre in Kerala. After a fruitful year with this organisation, he is presently setting up Sudharsanam, a centre for arts and culture in his native district, Pudukkottai in Tamil Nadu. Sudharsanam aims at providing the public with exposure to their cultural heritage including subaltern view points, and offering facilities to researchers. It also aims at the regeneration of village society.

Sharing his thoughts on a spectrum of areas with the readers of IIMB Management Review, S Swaminathan begins with his traditional but liberal upbringing and goes on to describe his guiding principles in life: the search for classicism, and his quest for a universal spirit. In his view, the ultimate goal of preserving culture and heritage is not to glorify the past, but to bring happiness to human beings. A proper understanding of history, he says, can lead to a recognition of both one?s uniqueness, and one?s insignificance in the larger scheme of things. This in turn leads to a positive, purposeful life, conducted with a sense of humility. Turning to philosophy, Swaminathan talks of a universal set of rules that can guide us in our day-to-day life and be accessible and applicable to all across time and geographical boundaries. Such a set of rules is, he believes, the Gandhian approach. The world over, more and more people are coming round to this approach, especially when there is a crisis in world affairs. His approach to the environment, to religion and to human relationships are the surest way to peace and tranquility on earth, for this generation and for future ones.

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