It is my pleasure to bring you the first issue of the journal for the year 2014, with its complement of articles and features.
Last year, 2013, was an eventful one for us. It was the silver jubilee of the journal, with IIMB Management Reviewcompleting twenty five years as a publication. In each issue of the Silver Jubilee volume we carried one paper invited from eminent researchers, which were put through a single blind fast track review process. The IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC), held on December 13 & 14, 2013 was very successful, having received an unprecedented number of 153 draft submissions from doctoral students all over the country. Of these, 71 were invited to submit full papers and finally 13 papers were selected for presentation and discussion at the conference. Discussants, invited from universities across the world including academic institutions in India, critiqued the selected papers and provided feedback for enrichment. This year, the conference also had a poster session, introduced to enable a larger number of doctoral students to showcase their work, and 11 students were invited to make poster presentations. The idea of the doctoral conference was mooted by IIMB Management Review, and since its inception in 2009, it has become a benchmark event for doctoral students in management and associated disciplines in India. IIMB Management Review provides some of the selected papers with a publication opportunity in the journal. The authors of selected papers are formally invited to incorporate the comments of discussants and submit their papers to the journal. The article "Technology and Intellectual Property Strategy of a Firm: A View through the Commons Theory Lens" by Mukundan Raghavan and co-authors, carried in our last issue, was first presented at IMRDC 2011. Four papers selected for presentation at IMRDC 2012, were submitted to IMR and are in various stages of review and re-submission. I welcome all doctoral students to attend and submit papers to the annual IMR Doctoral Students Conference, and check for regular updates on our website
The year 2013 has been a healthy year for the journal in terms of an increasing number of submissions, while our rate of acceptance remains at about 15%, with all articles having to clear due review processes. IMR is now listed on international listing databases including Scopus, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, and most recently, on the Australian Business Deans Council list.
Of the contents of this issue, the round table feature by Prof K Kumar emphasises the importance of business history, and outlines a roadmap for the revival and progress of this rather neglected discipline, and puts forth some specific researchable questions. As a subsequent feature to our round table on innovation in the December 2013 by Prof Rishikesha Krishnan and Dr Srivardhini Jha, Prof Chirantan Chatterjee elicits the views of gen next on innovation and internationalisation in the Indian software industry, in the Interview with Rishad Premji, Chief Strategy Officer, Wipro. Mr Rishad Premji relates the role of minority investments in building strategic partnerships with the external ecosystem, and discusses participation in innovation and development that could be relevant to his company. The article by Prof Pragyan Rath and Prof Apoorva Bharadwaj is on contemporary communication strategy that touches upon qualitative market research. The other articles by Mr Dilip Kumar and Dr Zabiulla are in the area of portfolio management and strategy respectively, in Finance.
I thank all readers and contributors for their support and look forward to feedback on the journal.
Nagasimha Balakrishna Kanagal
IIMB Management Review