It is my pleasure to bring you the first issue of IIMB Management Review (IMR) for the year 2021 and to give you a brief account of the journal and our associated activities.
IMR has been making progress on several counts, including the number and geographical spread of submissions, and metrics of assessment. Our rates of rejection continue to be around 90%. The journal is listed in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal List (ranked “B”), and is indexed on Scopus, and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). We invite you to view the journal metrics at
We are happy to inform you that Professor Gopal Das of IIMB, Professor Anand Venkateswaran of the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, and Professor Srinivasan Sankaraguruswamy of the NUS Business School, Singapore, have come on board as Associate Editors. We are sure that their engagement and guidance will strengthen as we move forward.
The IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC) 2021 was held in virtual mode for the first time, on 4, 5 & 6 February, 2021. In its twelfth year now, the IMRDC has established itself as a pre-eminent annual doctoral colloquium in Management Science and associated disciplines. The Conference Chairs for IMRDC 2021 were Professor Tirthatanmoy Das and Professor Pearl Malhotra of IIM Bangalore. IMRDC 2021 received 90 full paper submissions and after three rounds of review, 10 papers were selected for presentation at the conference. A newly-introduced Review Advisory Committee comprising IIMB faculty members supported the Chairs in the selection process. Commended for its “one exclusive discussant per paper” format, IMRDC 2021 also saw one dedicated discussant, from distinguished institutions across the country and overseas, offer comments and constructive feedback on each of the 10 presentations. Many of the papers presented at IMRDC have gone on to be published in IMR, after completing the peer review process.
IMRDC 2021 included three Keynote sessions: “What's the purpose of research?”, by Professor Marc-David L. Seidel, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia; “Recent empirical approaches in research on firm and worker productivity”, by Professor Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and “Engaging with qualitative research”, by Professor Mukta Kulkarni, Mphasis Chair for Digital Accessibility and Inclusion, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. The IMRDC 2021 Best Paper Award went to Ankit Kariya, a Doctoral scholar in the Finance & Accounting area of IIM Bangalore, for his presentation “Systemic banking crises, financial market development, and firms’ leverage.” You will find more details about IMRDC 2021 at
Readers, my tenure as Editor of IIMB Management Review has come to a close. It has been a wonderful opportunity for me to lead IMR as Editor-in-Chief for the past three years and it is now time to move on. I take this opportunity to introduce the incoming Editor-in-Chief, my colleague Professor Jishnu Hazra, Professor, Production & Operations Management, and Airbus Chair in Supply Chain Management at IIMB. Professor Hazra has long been associated with the journal as a Reviewer and an Associate Editor.
I thank you for your support in the past and I am sure the journal will grow to greater heights under Prof. Hazra’s stewardship and with your continued support and engagement.
Best wishes,
Ashok Thampy
IIMB Management Review
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