
It is my pleasure to bring you the first issue of IMR, jointly published by IIMBangalore and Elsevier.We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with our new co-publishers. As part of the transition to the new arrangement, our first issue will be a combined March-June issue.


This combined issue of IMR brings our regular mix of articles and features. The article on 'Information Search Behaviour among New Car Buyers.' establishes how differences in personality variables like shopping enjoyment, perceived behavioural control, subjective knowledge, optimum stimulation level, need for cognition, and technology readiness affect the search behaviour of car buyers. Marketers can avail of these tips to differentiate consumers into distinct groups based on their search behaviour. Though present technologies help in marketing decisions by creating huge marketing databases, most of the information may not be relevant. An innovative procedure to address this issue has been proposed in 'Attribute Selection in Marketing: A Rough Set Approach'. We also feature an interesting article on the importance of the yoga way of life in improving emotional intelligence and there by managerial performance within organisations.


Professor DVR Seshadri talks to Chandran Sankaran, Founder and CEO of Zyme Solutions, on building long term sustainability of business around a pioneering non-linear business model. Professor Rajalaxmi Kamath leads the Round Table Discussion on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) of 2005, with a panel of experts who have been closely involved with the implementation of the NREGA.


Along with my co-chairs Professor Mukta Kulkarni and Professor Vasanthi Srinivasan, I look forward to your participation in the IMR Conference 2010 on Global Competitiveness through Human Resource Management, where we will bring you an interesting mix of paper presentations and practitioner sessions. (Details of registration, fee structure, etc are mentioned in the announcement in this issue.)


V Ravi Anshuman
E-mail address: anshuman@iimb.ac.in