Building on the strategic role played by HRM systems in effective organisational performance, this study proposes a conceptual framework emphasising ambidextrous HRM’s ability to foster such organisational capabilities to survive and succeed in a challenging business environment. We take forward the discussion on the effectiveness of HRM fit and HRM flexibility to ambidextrous HRM systems and draw linkages between HRM systems and the corresponding organisational capabilities that are fostered within a suitable organisational design, operating within a particular market, and the corresponding environmental conditions. Based on the dynamic capability view, this study proposes three levels: alignment, adaptability, and ambidextrousness, such that in the relevant context, with appropriate design and the required capabilities, a set of HRM systems have fit or flexibility or are ambidextrous. This study aims to achieve the following three objectives: (1) understand ambidextrous HRM from the perspective of dynamic capabilities view; (2) emphasise the significance and need for ambidextrous HRM in the context of turbulent environments and heterogeneous markets within agile structures and for enabling ambidextrous organisational capabilities; and (3) show the relevance of ambidextrous HRM systems for organisations operating in a platform-based gig economy.