IIMB Management Review December 2015

Volume 27, No 4

December, 2015

From the Editor

Nagasimha Balakrishna Kanagal



Marcelo Brutti Righi, Sergio Guilherme Schlender and Paulo Sergio Ceretta

Pair Copula Constructions to Determine the Dependence Structure of Treasury Bond Yields

K.C.Mishra and
Mary Metilda J

A Study on the Impact of Investment Experience, Gender, and Level of Education on Overconfidence and Self-Attribution Bias

Debjani Ghosh and L. Gurunathan

Do Commitment Based Human Resource Practices Influence Job Embeddedness and Intentions to Quit?

Vinita Kalra, H. P. Mathur and P.V.Rajeev          

Microfinance Clients’ Awareness Index:  A Measure of Awareness and Skills of Microfinance Clients

Round Table

Thankom Arun and Rajalaxmi Kamath

Financial Inclusion: Policies and Practices

Book Review


Sudeshna Ghosh

Oxford India Short Introductions  ̶  Pathways to Economic Development.  Amitava Krishna Dutt. 2014. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pages: 211. Rs 295.

Oxford India Short Introductions  ̶  International Trade and India. Partha Pratim Pal. 2014. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pages: 244. Rs 295.