Aims and Scope: IIMB Management Review (IMR) is a quarterly journal brought out by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Addressed to management practitioners, researchers and academics, IMR aims to engage rigorously with practices, concepts and ideas in the field of management, with an emphasis on providing managerial insights, in a format that is accessible to a wide audience. To this end, IMR invites manuscripts that provide novel managerial insights in any of the core business functions. The manuscript should be rigorous, that is, the findings should be supported by either empirical data or a well-justified theoretical model, and well written. While these two requirements are necessary for acceptance, they do not guarantee acceptance. The sole criterion for publication is contribution to the extant management literature. Although all manuscripts are welcome, our special emphasis is on papers that focus on emerging economies throughout the world. Such papers may either improve our understanding of markets in such economies through novel analyses or build models by taking into account the special characteristics of such economies to provide guidance to managers. Full-length research articles (up to 8,000 words) on all the business functions, aspects of policy and management pedagogy form the core of the journal; at present, focussed discussion and interview papers, and book reviews are also featured.
IMR is a peer-reviewed journal and follows a ‘double blind’ review process. All papers submitted to IMR go through a preliminary review at the editorial desk and those considered appropriate are sent to an Associate Editor. On the recommendation of the Associate Editor, the article may be rejected or assigned to two reviewers.
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Publication Information:IIMB Management Review (ISSN 0970 3896) is published quarterly. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at the Indian Institute of Management, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru 560 076 or sent by email to . All papers must be submitted via the journal’s online submission website ( (refer to Guidelines for Contributors for details)
The views expressed in the articles are those of the respective authors. Neither IIMB Management Review, nor the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore can accept any responsibility for, nor do they necessarily agree with the views expressed in the articles. All copyrights are respected. Every effort is made to acknowledge source material relied upon or referred to, but IIMB Management Review does not accept any responsibility for any inadvertent omissions. IMR also does not endorse the contents of the advertising material that appears in the journal.
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