Reviving Business History in India -- The Way Forward

Vol 26, No 1; Article by K Kumar; March 2014

Business history as a discipline has an important role to play in developing a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of business. Apart from clarifying and enhancing our understanding of how industries, individual companies, business families and groups evolve and grow into significant contributors in the economic sphere, business history also helps us to understand the mutual influence of business and society on each other. However, the scholarly attention paid to this important subject has been inadequate of late and more so in India. In order to renew the interest in this important discipline, a group of scholars of business history got together in a panel discussion at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in August 2009 to take stock of the status of business history in India and outline a roadmap for further progress. Apart from historians of repute, the panel also included journalists and economists with a demonstrated historical perspective in their work. During the discussion, the panellists presented the perspectives they had gathered over their years of research in business history, the themes and areas with rich research possibilities, interesting research questions and the appropriate methodological approaches.  Further, the panellists also took stock of the status of business history in India, the challenges involved in pursuing business history research and the possible directions for taking this important discipline forward. In addition, the panellists, in their discussion, also considered the implications of incorporating business history in management education, covering aspects of curriculum, pedagogy, and teaching resources. This paper revisits the discussion by presenting the key ideas and directions that emerged, and seeks to stimulate further research and interest in business history. It builds a case to revive this important discipline and outlines a plausible roadmap for the revival and progress of the discipline.