  • IMRDC 2025
    17 & 18 January

The 16th Annual Edition of the
IMR Doctoral Conference IMRDC 2025

The 2-day premier conference will feature a keynote address, panel discussions, workshops, select paper presentations by doctoral students, and networking opportunities.
Submissions Close
29 July 2024

Keynote Speaker

We are honoured to have Professor Viral Acharya, C.V. Starr Professor of Economics in the Department of Finance at New York University Stern of Business (NYU-Stern), as the keynote speaker of IMRDC 2025. Professor Acharya was the Deputy Governor at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) during January 2017 to July 2019 and a Resident Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Sep 2022-Jan 2023) in charge of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets, Financial Stability, and Research. Professor Acharya’s research interests are in theoretical and empirical analysis of systemic risk of the financial sector, its regulation, and its genesis in government- and policy-induced distortions. He currently serves as the editor of the Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting (2014-16, 2020-), a member of the Editorial Committee of the Annual Review of Financial Economics (2022-), and a Board member of the American Finance Association (2024-) and Financial Intermediation Research Society (2023-).


  • The conference is open to doctoral students.
  • Only one paper per student is allowed; co-authorship with faculty is permitted.
  • The paper should not have been published, or accepted for publication, in any academic journal.

Basic Submission Guidelines:

  • Full papers to be submitted here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=imrdc2025
  • Full paper (without author identifiers) should contain the title of the paper, a 200-word abstract and up to 8 keywords.
  • The paper, inclusive of tables, figures, references, and appendices, should be submitted as a single document and should not exceed 8,000 words.
  • References should be in APA style (for guidelines see - http://www.bibme.org/citation-guide/apa/ )
  • The paper must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font with double line spacing and 1” margin on all sides.
  • Authors must also submit a nomination letter from the concerned thesis advisor/faculty-member. The nomination letter should contain the signature and affiliation details of the advisor, along with the official seal. A scanned copy of the nomination letter should be emailed to the IMRDC Secretariat at imrc[at]iimb[dot]ac[dot]in

For Detailed Guidelines, click here

IIMB Management Review (IMR) is a quarterly journal brought out by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Addressed to management practitioners, researchers and academics, IMR aims to engage rigorously with practices, concepts and ideas in the field of management, with an emphasis on providing managerial insights, in a format that is accessible to a wide audience. to this end, IMR invites manuscripts that provide novel managerial insights in any of the core business functions. The manuscript should be rigorous, that is, the findings should be supported by either empirical data or a well-justified theoretical model, and well written. While these two requirements are necessary for acceptance, they do not guarantee acceptance. The sole criterion for publication is contribution to the extant management literature. Although all manuscripts are welcome, our special emphasis is on papers that focus on emerging economies throughout the world. Such papers may either improve our understanding of markets in such economies through novel analyses or build models by taking into account the special characteristics of such economies to provide guidance to managers. Full-length research articles (up to 8,000 words) on all the business functions, aspects of policy and management pedagogy form the core of the journal; at present, focussed discussion and interview papers, and book reviews are also featured.

For more about IMR, click here.