India is a nation with a long civilisational history with recorded history, cultural artefacts, and evidence pointing to more than five millennia of existence. The knowledge practices developed by Indians have remained almost intact and were passed on “orally” down the generations. These can be collectively referred to as the Indian Knowledge System (IKS). Several exploratory research studies on Indian civilisation have brought out newer evidence on indigenous knowledge in multiple domains. The domains include linguistics, arts, religion, spirituality, culture, mathematics and astronomy, science and technology, health and wellness, town planning, management, and public administration, to name a few.
The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) has generated sufficient interest in IKS among researchers, business, and society. It has given a fresh impetus to research and publication on IKS and its contemporary applications in Management, Public Administration and Business. This Call for Papers is in response to this emerging interest.
We invite rigorous research-based original contributions on contemporary application of IKS including but not limited to the following domains:
We invite original research articles, exploratory frameworks, case studies and thematic bibliometric summaries on the above themes. We encourage authors to include original quotes of scriptural references in Devanagari and International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) formats wherever applicable as footnotes in the paper.
Professor B Mahadevan
Production & Operations Management
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
To submit your manuscript
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31st March 2025.
Editorial Acceptance Deadline: 31st July 2025
All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
IIMB Management Review is an open access Journal available at