  • IMRDC 2025
    17 & 18 January


Beautiful landscape of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore surrounded by nature.

IMR Doctoral Conference

The IMRDC Journey

The IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC) is uniquely positioned as THE premier doctoral colloquium in Management Sciences and allied disciplines, in India and abroad. The rigour of its processes and the thorough and constructive feedback on contemporary doctoral research has helped establish IMRDC as a pre-eminent doctoral conference. The opportunity to intensely engage with eminent academics from across the world remains a highlight of the Conference.

The IMRDC highlights include:

  • Participation open to doctoral students from India and abroad
  • Three rounds of rigorous review
  • One Exclusive Discussant per selected paper
  • Invited Talks, Workshops & Panel Discussions by eminent academics 
  • Submissions invited from doctoral students in Management and associated disciplines including Economics, Finance, Public Policy, Decisions Sciences, Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Production & Operations Management.

Into its 16th edition now, the IMRDC story has evolved over the years, with its unstinting commitment to high-quality doctoral research.


The IMR Doctoral Students Conference aims to bring together, every year, doctoral students affiliated to institutions across India and from international schools for an event of paper presentations, discussions with senior academics and researchers from industry, and publication-oriented development. The objectives of the IMRDC are:

  • to identify and encourage interesting and important research by doctoral students in Management across areas including Decision Sciences, Economics and Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Accounting, Information Systems, Marketing, Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management, Production and Operations Management, Public Policy, and Strategy.
  • to enable the authors of the identified papers to engage with leading academicians from institutions in India and abroad in a focussed manner and to gain developmental inputs for their research
  • to facilitate collaborative work amongst researchers from different institutions
  • to provide a platform of exchange between doctoral students, leading academicians and researchers from industry to identify new applications and avenues of research
  • to provide a publication outlet for promising research by inviting authors of the best papers to submit their work to IMR

Intended Participants

The conference is open to doctoral students in Management research, who have commenced research on their thesis. In addition to doctoral students of Indian schools, we want to encourage participation from students who are pursuing their PhD outside India and would like to receive feedback from stalwarts in their field. Since research is a collaborative venture, we encourage co-authorship as long as one of the authors fulfils the stipulated conditions.


  • After the initial announcement of the conference, doctoral students may be invited first to submit an extended abstract or the full paper. 
  • A faculty committee would review the extended abstracts/ full papers and from among them, select a subset for presentation at the conference. The Conference may include a Poster session or a session of short presentations. The shortlisted papers would be adjudged on the basis of (a) clarity of research question, (b) novelty of insights, and (c) potential contribution to theory in the relevant field or sub-field.
  • Faculty members at institutions in India and abroad would be invited as discussants for each of the shortlisted papers. Each paper invited for full-fledged presentation would be assigned a discussant.
  • The conference is designed to ensure focussed discussions among the doctoral student participants, faculty discussants and other academician invitees on each paper.
  • Authors of papers selected for presentation would be encouraged to improve their work further for the consideration of publication in IMR.