Research Papers
Research studies by Faculty and Researchers are published in several reputed journals and newspapers, and are also presented in Seminars and Conferences. This section lists IIMB’s Research Papers in Supply Chain Management topics.
Year | Authors | Title | Journal | Volume, Issue, Page Numbers |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb | Analyzing airlines stock price volatility during COVID-19 pandemic through internet search data | International Journal of Finance & Economics | Vol. 28(2), April 2023, Pg. 1497-1513 |
2023-24 | Siddharth Rawat and Soudeep Deb | A spatio-temporal statistical model to analyze COVID-19 spread in the USA | Journal of Applied Statistics | Vol. 50(11-12), 2023, Pg. 2310-2329 |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb and Manidipa Majumdar | A quadratic trend-based time series method to analyze the early incidence pattern of COVID-19 | Biostatistics & Epidemiology | online published May 2022 |
2023-24 | Archi Roy, Anchal Soni and Soudeep Deb | A wavelet-based methodology to compare the impact of pandemic versus Russia–Ukraine conflict on crude oil sector and its interconnectedness with other energy and non-energy markets | Energy Economics | Vol. 124, August 2023, Pg. 1-15 |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb and Sayar Karmakar | A novel spatio-temporal clustering algorithm with applications on COVID-19 data from the United States | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | Vol. 188, December 2023, 1-23 |
2023-24 | M. Mareeswaran, Shubhajit Sen and Soudeep Deb | New methods of structural break detection and an ensemble approach to analyse exchange rate volatility of Indian rupee during coronavirus pandemic |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society |
online published June 2023 |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb and Kaushik Jana | Nonparametric quantile regression for time series with replicated observations and its application to climate data | Statistical Science | accepted |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb, Rishideep Roy and Chinmay J Divekar | Real-time forecasting within soccer matches through a Bayesian lens | Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series A | accepted |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb and Kapil Gupta | What elements of the opening set influence the outcome of a tennis match? An in-depth analysis of Wimbledon data | IIMB Management Review | accepted |
2023-24 | Soudeep Deb, Rishideep Roy and Shubhabrata Das | Forecasting Elections from Partial Information Using a Bayesian Model for a Multinomial Sequence of Data | Journal of Forecasting | online published March 2024 |
2023-24 | Nishant Kumar Verma, Ashish K Jha and Ravi Srinivasan | To Talk or Not?: An Analysis of firm-initiated social media communication's impact on firm value preservation during a massive disruption across multiple firms and industries | Decision Sciences | Vol. 54(4), August 2023, Pg. 410-431 |
2023-24 | Ashish Kumar Jha and Nishant Kumar Verma | Social Media Platforms and User Engagement: A Multi-Platform Study on One-way Firm Sustainability Communication | Information Systems Frontiers | online published January 2023 |
2023-24 | Nishant Kumar Verma, Ashish Kumar Jha, Indranil Bose and Eric W. T. Ngai | A Market Value Analysis of Buyer–Supplier Relationship Building Awards |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | online published January 2023 |
2023-24 | Yewon Kim , Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Bhuvanesh Pareek | Government policy, strategic consumer behavior, and spillovers to retailers: The case of demonetization in India | Marketing Science | Vol. 41(6), November-December 2022, Pg. 1118-1144 |
2023-24 | Aishvarya, Sharada Sringeswara, Shailaja Grover, and Dinesh Kumar U | Online Gaming A Data-driven Regulatory Framework | Economic & Political Weekly | Vol. 58(21), May 2023, Pg. 43-50 |
2023-24 | Shresth Garg, Pulak Ghosh and Brandon Joel Tan | Within firm supply chains: Evidence from India | Journal of International Economics | Vol. 144, September 2023, Pg. 1-10 |
2023-24 | Haoyu Chen, Wenbin Lu, Rui Song and Pulak Ghosh | On Learning and Testing of Counterfactual ML Fairness through Data Preprocessing | Journal of the American Statistical Association | online published April 2023 |
2023-24 | Sumit Agarwal, Pulak Ghosh, Tianyue Ruan and Yuni Zhang | Convenience versus Privacy in Digital Economy: Evidence from Data Breach | Management Science | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Alberto Rossi and Francesco D'Acunto | How Costly are Cultural Biases? Evidence from Fintech | Journal of financial Economics | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Sumit Agarwal, Jin Li, nd Tinayue Ruan | Digital Payments and Consumption: Evidence from the 2016 Demonetization in India | Review of Financial Studies | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Sumit Agarwal, Lei Liu | Do sanitary pads alleviate period poverty and improve girl's educational outcomes? | The Review of Economics and Statistics | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Sumit Agarwal and Changwei Zhang | Fat tax, food consumption, and health outcome: analysis of large-scale bank data in India | JAMA Network Open | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Sumit Agarwal, Shashwat Agarwal, and Sudip Gupta | Financial Inclusion and Alternate Credit Scoring: Role of Big Data and Machine Learning in Fintech | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | accepted |
2023-24 | Pulak Ghosh, Boris Valle and Yao Zheng | FinTech Lending and Cashless Payments | Journal of Finance | accepted |
2023-24 | Anand Deo and Karthyek Murthy | Achieving Efficiency in Black-Box Simulation of Distribution Tails with Self-Structuring Importance Samplers | Operations Research | online published July 2023 |
2023-24 | Jitamitra Desai, Xu Yi and Xihong Yan | A Trigonometric Moment-based Dual Approach and its Error Analysis for Solving Linear Semi-infinite Programs | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | accepted |
2023-24 | Jitamitra Desai and Kai Wang | A Set of Linearized Partially-Parallel Splitting Methods for Separable Convex Programs | IIMB Management Review | online published March 2024 |
2023-24 | Ravi Suman and Ananth Krishnamurthy | Analysis of two-station polling queues with setups | Annals of Operations Research | Vol. 333, 2024, Pg. 417-437 |
2023-24 | Ayesha Arora and Tarun Jain | Data sharing between platform and seller: An analysis of contracts, privacy, and regulation | European Journal of Operational Research | Vol 313(3), Page 1105-1118. |
2023-24 | Prasenjit Mandal and Tarun Jain | When do competing, retailers benefit from sourcing through an intermediary? | International Journal of Production Economics | Vol 266, 109045. |
2023-24 | S Katewa and Tarun Jain | Wait or invest early? An analysis of market competition between co-created product by platform and competing seller | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | Vol 71, pg 4862 - 4875 |
2022-23 | Srikanth Krishnaprasad and Rajeev R. Tripathi | A pricing mechanism to improve capacity utilisation in ridesharing | Journal of the Operational Research Society | Vol. 73(4), 2022, Pg. 741-753 |
2022-23 | Merve Ozen and Ananth Krishnamurthy | G-network Models to Support Planning for Disaster Relief Distribution | International Journal of Production Research | Vol. 60(5), 2022, Pg. 1621-1632 |
2022-23 | Soudeep Deb | A goal based index to analyze the competitive balance of a football league | Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports | Vol. 18(3), October 2022, Pg. 171-186 |
2022-23 | Shubhabrata Das | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Two-sample Population Proportions Under Constraint on Their Difference | Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods | Vol. 52(9), 2023, Pg. 2836-2851 |
2022-23 | R. Sreedevi, Haritha Saranga, and Sirish Kumar Gouda | Impact of a country’s logistical capabilities on supply chain risk | Supply Chain Management | Vol. 28(1), 2023, Pg. 107-121 |
2022-23 | Nishant Kumar Verma and Ashish K Jha | Social Media Sustainability Communication: An Analysis of Firm Behaviour and Stakeholder Responses | Information Systems Frontiers | Vol. 25, 2023, Pg. 723-742 |
2022-23 | Nishant Kumar Verma and Ashish K. Chatterjee | Process flexibility in the presence of product modularity: Does modularity help? | International Journal of Production Economics | Vol. 256, February 2023, Pg. 1-15 |
2022-23 | Debarati Basu, Kamalika Chakraborty, Shabana Mitra and Nishant Kumar Verma | Customer reciprocity in greening: the role of service quality |
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences | Vol. 14(2), 2022, Pg. 238-257 |
2022-23 | Debarati Basu, Shabana Mitra and Nishant Kumar Verma | Mitigating credit risk: modelling and optimizing co-insurance in loan pricing | Applied Economics | Vol. 55(29), 2023, Pg. 3422-3441 |
2022-23 | Jitamitra Desai, Sandeep Srivathsan and Chuhang Yu,Dong Zhang | A 0–1 mixed-integer program-based group-and-release strategy for solving the integrated runway scheduling and taxiway routing problem | Naval Research Logistics | Vol. 69(7), October 2022, Pg. 939-957 |
2022-23 | Jitamitra Desai, Sandeep Srivathsan, Woen Yon Lai, Liqun Li and Chuhang Yu | An optimization-based decision support tool for air cargo loading | Computers and Industrial Engineering | Vol. 175, January 2023 |
2022-23 | Satyam Mukherjee, and Tarun Jain | Social brokerage and productivity of users in online innovation networks | Journal of Product Innovation Management | Vol. 40(2), March 2023, Pg. 231-254 |
2022-23 | Sunanda Katewa and Tarun Jain | Mobile Application’s Quality and Pricing Decisions Under Competition | Decision Sciences | Vol. 53(5), October 2022, Pg. 896-931 |
2022-23 | Satyam Mukherjee and Tarun Jain | Impact of COVID-19 on the mobility patterns: An investigation of taxi trips in Chicago | PLOS One | Vol. 17(5), May 2022, Pg. 1-19 |
2022-23 | Amar Sapra and Peter L. Jackson | Integration of long- and short-term contracts in a market for capacity | Productions and Operations Management | Vol. 31(7), July 2022, Pg. 2872-2890 |
2022-23 | Abhiroop Mukherjee, George Panayotov, Rik Sen, Harsha Dutta, and Pulak Ghosh | Measuring vaccine effectiveness from limited public health datasets: Framework and estimates from India’s second COVID wave | Science Advances | Vol. 8(18, May 2022, Pg. 1-11 |
2022-23 | Yewon Kim Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Bhuvanesh Pareek | Government Policy, Strategic Consumer Behavior, and Spillovers to Retailers: The Case of Demonetization in India | Marketing Science | Vol. 41(6), November 2022, Pg. 1029-1182 |
2022-23 | Pranjal Chandrakar, Manaswini Bhalla and Shubhabrata Das | Sequential Auctions with Multiple Synergies | International Game Theory Review | Vol. 25(1), 2023, 1-39 |
2022-23 | Akansha Misra, Haritha Saranga and Rajeev R. Tripathi | Channel choice and incentives in the cadaveric organ supply chain | European Journal of Operational Research | Vol. 302(3), November 2022, Pg. 1202-1214 |
2022-23 | Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T. C. E. Cheng | New product design decisions and free sharing of patents with rivals | Journal of the Operational Research Society | Vol. 74(1), 2023, Pg. 59-80 |
2022-23 | Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T. C. E. Cheng | Analysis of upstream pricing regulation and contract structure in an agriculture supply chain | Annals of Operations Research | Vol. 320, 2023, Pg. 85-122 |
2021-22 | B Mahadevan and Sivakumar | Configuring and Pricing Smart Coproductive Services | European Journal of Operational Research | Vol. 294(2), October 2021, Pg. 779-789 |
2021-22 | Anirban Adhikary, Krishna Sundar D, Sourav Bikash Borah, Amalesh Sharma | How does the adoption of digital payment technologies influence unorganized retailers’ performance? An investigation in an emerging market | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Vol. 49, 2021, Pg. 882-902 |
2021-22 | Sarah Brown, Pulak Ghosh, Bhuvanesh Pareek and Karl Taylor | The protective role of saving: Bayesian analysis of British panel data | Journal of Empirical Finance | Vol. 63, September 2021, Pg. 57-72 |
2021-22 | Kiranmoy Das, Pulak Ghosh, and Michael J. Daniels | Modeling Multiple Time-Varying Related Groups: A Dynamic Hierarchical Bayesian Approach With an Application to the Health and Retirement Studys. | Journal of the American Statistical Association | Vol. 116(534), 2021, Pg. 558-568 |
2021-22 | Kiranmoy Das, Bhuvanesh Pareek, Sarah Brown and Pulak Ghosh | A semi-parametric Bayesian dynamic hurdle model with an application to the health and retirement study | Computational Statistics | Vol. 37, 2022, Pg. 837-863 |
2021-22 | Sarah Brown, Pulak Ghosh, Daniel Gray, Bhuvanesh Pareek and Jennifer Roberts | Saving behaviour and health: A high-dimensional Bayesian analysis of British panel data | The European Journal of Finance | Vol. 27(16), 2021, Pg. 1581-1603 |
2021-22 | Chen, L. M., and Amar Sapra | Inventory renewal for a perishable product: Economies of scale and age‐dependent demand | Naval Research Logistics | Vol. 68(3), April 2021, Pg. 359-377 |
2021-22 | Rakesh Prakash, Rajesh Piplani and Jitamitra Desai | An Optimal Data-Splitting Algorithm for Aircraft Sequencing on Two Runways | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Vol. 132, November 2021,103403, Pg. 1-15 |
2021-22 | Rakesh Prakash, Jitamitra Desai and Rajesh Piplani | An Optimal Data-Splitting Algorithm for Aircraft Sequencing on a Single Runway | Annals of Operations Research | Vol. 309, 2022, Pg. 587-610 |
2021-22 | Soudeep Deb and Sougata Deb | An ensemble method for early prediction of dengue outbreak | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A | Vol. 185(1), January 2022, Pg. 84-101 |
2021-22 | Shubhabrata Das and Pranjal Chandrakar | Measuring the Values of Cricket Players | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics | Vol. 63(4), December 2021, Pg. 565-578 |
2021-22 | Pranjal Chandrakar, Shubhabrata Das and Manaswini Bhalla | Lease Auctions with Retention Options | Journal of Quantitative Economics | Vol. 20, 2022, Pg. 97-136 |
2021-22 | Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T.C. Edwin Cheng | IT Outsourcing and Vendor Cost Improvement Strategies under Asymmetric Information | Decision Sciences | Vol. 52(5), October 2021, Pg. 1109-1136 |
2021-22 | Satyam Mukherjee and Tarun Jain | Do the mobility patterns for city taxicabs impact road safety? | IISE Transactions | Vol. 53(12), 2021, Pg. 1324-1336 |
2021-22 | Prasenjit Mandal and Tarun Jain | Partial outsourcing from a rival: Quality decision under product differentiation and information asymmetry | European Journal of Operational Research | Vol. 292(3), August 2021, Pg. 886-908 |
2021-22 | Prasenjit Mandal, Tarun Jain and Abhishek Chakraborty | Quality collaboration contracts under product pricing strategies | Annals of Operations Research | Vol. 302, 2021, Pg. 231-264 |
2021-22 | Satyam Mukherjee and Tarun Jain | Social embeddedness in user innovation networks: Evidence from | Economics of Innovation and New Technology | Vol. 31(3), 2022, Pg. 191-208 |
2021-22 | Rishideep Roy and Kumarjit Saha | Coexistence in discrete time multi-type competing frog models | Electronic Communications in Probability | Vol. 26(70), 2021, Pg. 1-9 |
2021-22 | Siddharth Mahajan | The Pricing of Meetings and Event Spaces in Hotel Revenue Management | American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems | Vol. 6(4), December 2021, Pg. 86-91 |
2021-22 | Anshuman Tripathy | BHEL Smart Wall Blowing System: New Product Development in Manufacturing Industry: Case Analysis | VIKALPA The Journal for Decision Makers | Vol. 45(4), May 2021, Pg. 250-252 |
2020-21 |
Anirban Adhikary, Amalesh Sharma, Sundar D Krishna and Jayanth Jayaram |
Impact of buyer-supplier network complexity on firms’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: An empirical investigation |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 230, December 2020, 107864, Pg. 1-16 |
2020-21 |
Jishnu Hazra and Tarun Jain |
Optimal Regulation and Sustainable Product Design under Uncertainties |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 225, July 2020, 107574, Pg. 1-14 |
2020-21 |
Mahajan, Siddharth |
Nonstationarity and Abandonment in Markovian Queues with Application to Call Centers |
American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems |
Vol. 5(4), December 2020, Pg. 74-83 |
2020-21 |
Massimo Di Francesco, Manlio Gaudioso, Enrico Gorgone, and Ishwar Murthy |
A New Extended Formulation with Valid Inequalities for the Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem |
European Journal of Operational Research |
Vol. 289(3), March 2021, Pg. 975-986 |
2020-21 |
Merve Ozen and Ananth Krishnamurthy |
Resource Allocation Models for Material Convergence |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 228, October 2020 |
2020-21 |
Prakash Awasthy and Jishnu Hazra |
Collaboration under Outcome-Based Contracts for Information Technology Services |
European Journal of Operational Research |
Vol. 286(1), October 2020, Pg. 350-359 |
2020-21 |
Sirish Kumar Gouda and Saranga, Haritha |
Pressure or premium: what works best where? Antecedents and outcomes of sustainable manufacturing practices |
International Journal of Production Research |
Vol. 58(23), 2020, Pg. 7201-7217 |
2020-21 |
Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T. C. Edwin Cheng |
Illegal Content Monitoring on Social Platforms |
Production and Operations Management |
Vol. 29(8), August 2020, Pg. 1837-1857 |
2020-21 |
Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T. C. Edwin Cheng |
Bidding for Outsourcing Contracts with Capacity Investments and Cost Asymmetry |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
Vol. 71(12), 2020, Pg. 1986-2012 |
2020-21 |
Yasemin Limon and Ananth Krishnamurthy |
Resource Allocation Strategies for Protein Purification Operations |
IISE Transactions |
Vol. 52(9), 2020, Pg. 945-960 |
2019-20 |
Prakash Awasthy and Jishnu Hazra |
Responsible sourcing by improving workplace safety through buyer–supplier collaboration |
European Journal of Operational Research |
Vol. 274(1), April 2019, Pg. 155-164 |
2019-20 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Hybrid Cloud Computing Investment Strategies |
Production and Operations Management |
Vol. 28, No. 5, May 2019, Pg. 1272-1284 |
2019-20 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Vendor’s Strategic Investments Under IT Outsourcing Competition |
Service Science |
Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2019, Pg. 16-39 |
2019-20 |
Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and Jayashankar M Swaminathan |
Excess Procurement Strategies by a Dominant Buyer under Constrained Supply |
Naval Research Logistics |
Vol. 66, Issue 3, April 2019, Pg. 272-280 |
2019-20 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
“On-demand” pricing and capacity management in cloud computing |
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management |
Vol. 18, Issue 3, June 2019, Pg. 228-246 |
2019-20 |
Sinha and Ananth Krishnamurthy |
Production and Capacity Utilization Strategies in Supply Chains for Complex Engineered Products |
Production and Operations Management |
Vol. 29, No. 2, February 2020, Pg. 462-480 |
2019-20 |
Siddharth Mahajan and Krishna Sundar Diatha |
On supply chain contracts as risk sharing mechanisms |
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Vol. 32(2), 2019, Pg. 170-183 |
2018-19 |
Haritha Saranga, Rejie George, Judith Beine, & Ulli Arnold |
Resource Configurations, Product Development Capability, and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Analysis of Their Evolution |
Journal of Business Research |
Vol. 85, April 2018, Pages 32-50 |
2018-19 |
Sirish Kumar Gouda and Haritha Saranga |
Sustainable supply chains for supply chain sustainability: impact of sustainability efforts on supply chain risk |
International Journal of Production Research |
Vol. 56(17), April 2018, Pg. 5820-5835 |
2018-19 |
Caro Felipe, Prashant Chintapalli, Kumar Rajaram, and Chris S Tang |
Improving Supplier Compliance Through Joint and Shared Audits with Collective Penalty |
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management |
Vol. 20, No. 2, Spring 2018, Pg. 363-380 |
2018-19 |
Arnab Basu, Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Supplier selection under production learning and process improvements |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 204, October 2018, Pg. 411-420 |
2018-19 |
Tarun Jain, Jishnu Hazra and T.C.E. Cheng |
Sourcing under overconfident buyer and suppliers |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 206, December 2018, Pg. 93- 109 |
2018-19 |
Krishna Sundar D and Siddharth Mahajan |
Minimizing the Discounted Average Cost Under Continuous Compounding in the EOQ Models with a Regular Product and a Perishable Product |
American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems |
Vol. 3(2), June 2018, Pg. 52-60 |
2018-19 |
Neha Mittal, Prashanth D Udaya kumar, G Raghuram and Neha Bajaj |
The endemic issue of truck driver shortage - A comparative study between India and the United States |
Research in Transportation Economics |
Vol. 71, November 2018, Pg. 76-84 |
2017-18 |
Ram Mudambi, Haritha Saranga and Andreas Schotter |
Mastering the Make-in-India Challenge |
MIT Sloan Management Review |
Vol. 58, No. 4, 2017, Pg. 59 – 66 |
2017-18 |
R. Sreedevi and Haritha Saranga |
Uncertainty and Supply Chain Risk: The Moderating Role of Supply Chain Flexibility in Risk Mitigation |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 193, November 2017, Pg. 332 - 342 |
2017-18 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Sourcing Strategies under Agglomeration Economies, Capacity Risks and Retail Competition Dual Sourcing under Suppliers |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 191, September 2017, Pg. 311 – 322 |
2017-18 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Capacity Investments |
International Journal of Production Economics |
Vol. 183, Part A, January 2017, Pg. 103 - 115 |
2017-18 |
Gopal Naik and D N Suresh |
Challenges of Creating Sustainable Agri-Retail Supply Chains Academic Background Note |
IIMB Management Review |
2017-18 |
Sanjay Bhushan |
System Dynamics Base – Model of Humanitarian Supply Chain (HSCM) in Disaster Prone Eco - Communities of India: A Discussion on Simulation and Scenario Results@ |
International Journal of System Dynamics Applications |
Vol. 6, Issue 3, July - September 2017 |
2016-17 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Sourcing under Incomplete Information and Negative Capacity-cost Correlation |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
Vol. 67, March 2016, pp. 437-449 |
2016-17 |
Sirish Kumar Gouda, Sreelata Jonnalagedda and Haritha Saranga |
Design for the environment: Impact of regulatory policies on product development |
European Journal of Operational Research |
Vol. 248, No. 2, January 2016, pp. 558-570 |
2016-17 |
Haritha Saranga and Rajiv Nagpal |
Drivers of Operational Efficiency and its Impact on Market Performance in the Indian Airline Industry |
Journal of Air Transport Management |
Vol. 53, June 2016, Pg. 165-176 |
2016-17 |
Prashant Chintapalli and Jishnu Hazra |
Stocking and Quality Decisions for Deteriorating Perishable Products under Competition |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
Vol. 67, April 2016, Pg. 593- 603 |
2015-16 |
Prashant Chintapalli and Jishnu Hazra |
Pricing and Inventory Management during New Product Introduction when Shortage Creates Hype |
Naval Research Logistics, |
Vol. 63, No. 4, June 2015, pp. 304-320 |
2015-16 |
Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra |
Sourcing under Incomplete Information and Negative Capacity-cost Correlation |
Journal of the Operational Research Society, |
Vol. 67, March 2016, pp. 437-449 |
2015-16 |
Sirish Kumar Gouda, Sreelata Jonnalagedda and Haritha Saranga |
Design for the environment: Impact of regulatory policies on product development |
European Journal of Operational Research, |
Vol. 248, No. 2, January 2016, pp. 558-570 |
2015-16 |
Haritha Saranga, Arnab Mukherji and Janat Shah |
Inventory trends in emerging market supply chains: Evidence from the Indian automotive industry |
IIMB Management Review |
Vol. 27, Issue 1, 6-18, March 2015 |
Research Papers
Sr No# | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | HPCL | Developing a vendor performance management and rating system that integrates parameters such as performance, quality, time, cost, and ESG, while also incorporating industry best practices to enhance vendor performance and integrating the vendor rating system into procurement processes like QCBS. |
2 | HPCL | To implement a centralized procurement system for their Visakh Refinery and Mumbai Refinery, aiming to aggregate purchase requisitions, achieve cost and time savings through economies of scale, and incorporate elements such as demand planning and aggregation, procurement strategies, RACI matrix, estimation methodologies, and hedging. |
3 | HPCL | Inventory Management at HPCL Warehouses. Developing a strategy to optimize procurement and reduce inventory build-up at their warehouses, where currently over 60,000 items (including capital and spares) are held in inventory. This strategy will be based on industry best practices, incorporating elements such as smart warehousing solutions, identification of common spares across industries, and other relevant measures. |
4 | HPCL | Green Supply Chain. In line with HPCL's Carbon Net Zero policy, a strategy to be developed for adopting green supply chain in HPCL's secondary procurement process. |
5 | Brittania | GHG Scope 3 emissions. Establishing mechanism for monitoring and reducing Scope 3 emissions. |
6 | Schneider Electric | To benchmark ISO 26K Ecovadis evaluation reports of schneider electric strategic ‘s suppliers. Share Area of recommendations to improve the score / Ratings of Indian suppliers |
7 | Microsoft Azure | Intelligent Data Exchange and Mapping Model |
8 | Microsoft Azure | Competitive analysis of the Services business in the Cloud Supply Chain |
9 | Bosch India | Empties management tracking |
10 | Bosch India | Warehouse management – Missing stocks. To address the issues related to missing stocks resulting from improper handling of parts. |
11 | Bosch India | Ageing of Finished goods. Seeking a solution or tool that can identify parts manufactured in the previous month that have not been inwarded by customers within a time period. |
12 | Bosch India | Pull with suppliers. Usage of eKanban methodology, setting up processes at Bosch and Vendors with a SM calculation at both the places. |
13 | Herbalife India | Improve Fill Rate and service levels by establishing a robust deployment planning process |
14 | Herbalife India | Improve customer satisfaction score and TAT for response and resolution of supply chain related customer complaints |
15 | Vedanta | Feasibility report for setting up of component 1 manufacturing in India |
16 | Vedanta | Feasibility report for setting up of component 2 manufacturing in India |
17 | McDonald India | Restaurant manager time optimization. This project will lead to the organisation fixing the right manager and crew strength for the restaurants. |
18 | McDonald India | Crew Labour Optimization. The objective is to determine the optimal crew labor hours and Guest Counts Per Crew Hour (GCPCH) for each restaurant and devise a targeted system. The goal is to understand the correct productivity levels and identify the most efficient allocation of labor resources. |
19 | McDonald India | Inventory Model. Building an optimal inventory model for restaurants. This would involve tool based scientific/AI led Guest count (demand) forecasting ,Product Mix estimation and estimating consumption and wastages with efficiencies built in. |
20 | L&T | Manufacturing vendors capacity Assessment and Rationalization. |
21 | Bajaj Electricals | Sustainability in Sourcing. To develop a supplier sustainability programme to reduce the carbon emissions of the key suppliers, collaborate with suppliers to convert the input materials to more environmentally friendly materials. |
22 | Biocon Ltd | Supply chain digitisation framework. The team should be able to identify and define the key data points to be recorded at each leg of the supply chain to understand the inventory/risks that could disrupt the final customer fulfilment basis customer forecast |
23 | Dell Ltd | Material Sourcing Strategy. The objective is to determine the optimal number of suppliers for a specific commodity and develop a shortlisting process. Factors to consider during supplier negotiations will also be identified. Additionally, strategies for differentiating sourcing approaches across various geographies will be explored. The goal is to optimize logistics to ensure cost-effective and secure material delivery. |
24 | Dell Ltd | Enhance traceability of serializable components. Explore feasibility in adoption of technologies such as Block chain could improve the traceability of the serialized components. |
25 | Dell Ltd | Dynamic Sourcing and Routing. Identifying preferred source location and alternate source location avoiding part shortages. When the product is ready to be shipped, how do we re-evaluate the network path to see if it’s still valid route or need to route to a different location |
26 | Dell Ltd | Intelligent Inventory Reconciliation System to reconcile the 3PL physical inventory and Dell Systems' inventory |
27 | Emami Ltd | Scheduling of multi stages, multi products for optimum efficiency in manufacturing |
28 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | What's the mathematical model to consolidate inventory from a 3PL perspective to support the FLF industry |
29 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | Does the Sustainability program run by 3PL companies have P&L benefits in the books of accounts? |
30 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | How a 3PL company can improve the manpower productivity in their warehouse, especially in the FLF business |
31 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | What is the Current State of distribution chains for the FMCG industry and its challenges? |
32 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | Research the organization and supply chain set-up of the bigger fashion retail companies and the rationale for following these structures. |
33 | Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd | Hyperlocal fulfillment – which industry segments will adapt to this new business model? |
34 | Supply Chain Sustainability Lab at IIM Bangalore | Building a circularity performance measurement Tool for India |
Sr No | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | Bajaj Electricals Ltd | Re-designing the most efficient & optimised Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution Model |
2 | Big Basket | Impact of unified supply chain model in T3/T4 town and its scope of expansion Pan India |
3 | Big Basket | EV Roadmap for deploying EV vehicles for last mile delivery. |
4 | Bosch India | Digital enablement with Suppliers |
5 | Bosch India | Enabling EV and Fuel cell technology capability |
6 | Dell | Global Shipment Visibility and Lead Times Calculation |
7 | Dell | Improving Supply Chain Visibility |
8 | Emami Ltd | Manpower Productivity improvement of Tube lines |
9 | Ford | Inventory Optimization through Next Gen technology, considering demand forecasting |
10 | Hafele India | Digitalization of Supply Chain |
11 | Herbal Life | Devising supply chain strategy for entering into Tier 2 and 3 cities |
12 | HPCL | Appropriate choice of warehouse location coupled with Optimum operating cost of Warehouse |
13 | HPCL | Optimum Truck Utilization |
14 | HPCL | Optimum Logistics Cost for Lube transportation |
15 | HPCL | Market Analysis for handling Alternate Fuels (LNG, Electric, Hydrogen etc)/Products (PetChem, API, Chemicals etc) |
16 | Kalyani Steel Ltd. | Logistics Optimisation for the incoming material into Karnataka factory. |
17 | Kalyani Steel Ltd. | Charge Mix optimisation for Electric Arc Firnace. |
18 | Microsoft | Sustainability Science & Reporting for building circualrity into business. |
19 | Microsoft | Analytical model to forecast Cloud Capacity |
20 | Microsoft | Analytical model to predict multi-way Supplier Risk |
21 | Perfetti Van Melle | Customer Order Fill Rate – Diagnostic and Action plan for improvement |
22 | Perfetti Van Melle | Consumer and Trade Promo Supply Chain Process Benchmarking |
23 | Schindler | Life Cycle Assessment for Alternate Packaging Materials |
24 | Sony India | Distribution Cost Optimization for delivery from 3PL to distributors. |
25 | TVS SCS Global Freight Forwarding Solutions Limited | Exploring Electric Vehicles & Pharmaceutical sector from Freight Forwarding perspective |
26 | TVS Supply Chain Solutions (TVS SCS) | Omni-channel readiness of various industries from a 3PL services perspective |
27 | TVS Supply Chain Solutions (TVS SCS) | Warehouse Automation Selection and Video Analytics |
28 | Vedanta | Supply chain digitalisation in manufacturing sector |
29 | Vedanta | Developing supply chain model for domestic transport network |
30 | Vedanta | Cluster Development for display and semiconductor ecosystems |
Sr No | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | Big Basket | Contingency planning and actioning at Last mile dark stores |
2 | Big Basket | Enhancement of routing algorithm |
3 | Bosch Limited | Decoupling from China other than Electronics for MSME Industries. |
4 | Bosch Limited | Productivity improvement mindset and measures to reach a bench mark level in MSME. |
5 | Bosch Limited | Digital fluency, connect and visibility of MSME with their customers. |
6 | Dell | Plan to procure business process digital twin |
7 | Titan | Enhance the Delivery Performance |
8 | HPCL | Assesing feasibility of 1g Ethanol project from Grains i.e Maize and Rice |
9 | Britannia India | Digitisation Strategy for Procurement (Intelligence & Controls ) |
10 | Britannia India | Procurement Sustainability Strategy for Britannia |
11 | Britannia India | Make Vs Buy Strategy for Procurement - |
12 | Toyota Kirloskar | Reducing carbon footprint of TKAP’s logistics |
13 | Toyota Kirloskar | Indian Auto Industry: Electrification & Powertrain Preparedness Study |
14 | Bosch Limited | Benchmarking of Co2 emissions in supply chain with Manufacturing industries. |
15 | Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited | The use of digital technologies to improve supply chain agility in the apparel industry. |
16 | Intel | Application of AI/ML in Inventory Management |
17 | Intel | Application of AI/ML in Sourcing/ Procurement |
18 | Intel | Application of AI/ML in Factory Capacity Optimization |
19 | Intel | Application of AI/ML in Operational Execution/ Control Tower |
Sr No | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | Titan | Sourcing Excellence assessment for Watches & Accessories division |
2 | Flipkart | B2B fashion supply chain in India - current state & white spaces |
3 | Honeywell | Prognostics and Health Management in Industrial applications |
4 | Bosch | To develop a Connected Supply chain between demand and supply for an unsatisfied customer |
5 | Toyota Kirloskar | Study of Labour Productivity for the Auto sector in India (general) and for the Company (specific) |
6 | Flipkart | Working capital loans for grocery and fashion kiranas in India - Current state and white spaces |
7 | Adi Naturals | Develop a business model and establish the supply chain for an Organic Food Aggregator |
8 | Flipkart | How Zilingo cracked the B2B fashion market in South East Asia |
9 | HPCL | Streamlining of Supply Chain in Lubes Business for an Oil & Gas Company |
10 | HPCL | Making Bio-fuels profitable with current Ethanol Policy and Profitability studyof setting up and operating a standalone distillery for producing Ethanol |
11 | Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts. | Develop a digitalized integrated supply chain for the Auto component sector |
12 | Bosch | Connected machines in MSME for a maximum efficiency |
13 | TVS SCS | 3PL Market entry strategy for bulk chemicals and pharma segments |
14 | Intel Corp | High-tech electronics manufacturing ecosystem analysis |
16 | Tata Power Solar | Capability assessmentof the SCM organization currently in B2B model to also handle the B2C model for residential solar rooftops & solarpumps |
17 | Bosch | Learn to see, observe,and augment measures for a global auto component production system.Improve supplier value stream by applying Lean tools leading to waste elimination |
18 | TVS SCS | Warehouse Solution Modelling and Templatization for 3PL Business |
19 | HCL Tech | Supply Chain Control Tower - Benefits & Usage |
20 | Toyota Kirloskar | HR Competency Mapping |
Sr No | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | ReMSL | Integrated Logistics model for SCM at APMC |
2 | Titan | Determine Product Life Cycle stage of current product portfolio |
3 | Flipkart | First Mile Cluster and Wave Modelling |
4 | HPCL | Inland Water Transport for LPG in India |
5 | ShipX | Daily HSD Rate Variation Impact on Transportation & Logistics sector |
6 | HCL Tech | Demand Sensing & Inventory Optimization - Retail & Manufacturing |
7 | Titan | Post GST distribution rationalization |
8 | HPCL | Impact of GST on Petroleum Products (MS & HSD) |
9 | HPCL | Biodiesel Plant - Case Study |
10 | Flipkart | Warehousing in e-commerce |
11 | Bosch | MSME Auto Component Sector in India |
12 | Toyota Kirloskar | Mapping of manufacturing data flow to achieve optimal process |
13 | Toyota Kirloskar | Development of Gender Diversity and Inclusion Policy |
14 | BMRCL | Streamlining of passenger movement at Kempegowda Interchange Metro Station |
15 | ReMSL | Impact assessment analysis on commodity prices post UMP implementation |
16 | ReMSL | Quantity & Price variance analysis under different price discovery mechanisms |
17 | Bosch | Establish a Logistics driven manufacturing with Digitalization |
18 | ReMSL | Unified Market Platform (UMP) Data Analysis for Agricultural Commodities, Case Study |
19 | | Review current challenges and propose a road map for the way forward, Case study SmallBag |
Sr No | Company Name | Title of the Project |
1 | BMTC | Reforms in SCM, with focus on Procurement Process. |
2 | Bosch | Improving Procure 2 Pay cycle. |
3 | Bosch | Supply Chain Risk Management |
4 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Demand Forecasting for HSD/MS/ATF |
5 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Study Petroleum Supply Chain Network of India |
6 | Flipkart | Building Assetless city logistics |
7 | Flipkart | Strategy to achieve four Hours Delivery |
8 | Flipkart | Supply Chain Benchmarking |
9 | Flipkart | Scheduled Delivery |
10 | FutureSC | Business Consolidators/aggregators for the Express Logistics |
11 | FutureSC | Distribution model for food category and vendor-wise solutioning |
18 | Lam Research | Demand surge outliers detection |
19 | Lam Research | Engineering Services Obsolescence Management |
20 | ReMS | Effective dashboard and MIS reports |
21 | ReMS | Farmer’s Share in Consumer Rupee |
22 | ReMS | Quality and Price Relation |
23 | Sasken | Prediction of Employee Attrition |
24 | SCM Centre | Automotive Logistics |
25 | SCM Centre | Automotive Logistics |
26 | Shahi Exports | Improving on-time delivery performance |
27 | Toyota Kirloskar | Low Cost Automations (LCA) Commercialization |
28 | Toyota Kirloskar | Training Materials Database |
29 | TVS LSL | Designing Storage and Distribution |
30 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Demand Forecasting for HSD/MS/ATF |
31 | Future Supply Chain Solutions | Redesigning the distribution model for Foods category and creating a dynamic tool for vendor-wise solution |
32 | ReMS | Increasing outside trader’s participation |
33 | Sasken | Measuring productivity in software industry |
Sr No. | Description of Topic | Company |
Year 2016 | ||
1 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Estimating Premium / Discount of Crude Oil |
2 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Study on Petrochemicals Suman Saurabh & |
3 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Network of Product Pipelines in India |
4 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Demand Forecasting Petroproducts |
5 | IBM | Market Sudy Transportation |
6 | India Post | Marketing and Brand Positioning of India Post |
7 | India Post | Product Rationalisation India Post Products |
8 | India Post | Delivery of eCommerce Shipments |
9 | India Post | Post Bank of India: Scope of Payments Bank |
10 | Rastriya eMarket Services | Impact Study |
11 | Rastriya eMarket Services | Grading and Certification |
12 | Rastriya eMarket Services | ntegrated Logistics |
13 | Toyota Kirloskar | Optimizing Safety Stocks of Input Components |
14 | Toyota Kirloskar | Optimizing Inbound Transportation |
15 | TVSLSL 3PL | MRO Supply Chain |
16 | Zopnow | Strategies for Online Grocery Business |
17 | Zopnow | Omni Channel Strategy for Online Grocery Retailers |
18 | SCM Centre | Designing an Operations Management Game |
19 | SCM Centre | Optimising All-India Distribution Network in GST Regime |
20 | Real Estate Centre | Industry Structure Nisha Sehrawat & |
21 | Real Estate Centre | Rental Housing Market Anuj Parekh & Khizar |
22 | Real Estate Centre | Affordable Housing- Financing Challenges |
Year 2017 | ||
1 | Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd | Demand for Petroleum Products & Impact of West Coast Refinery |
2 | Cypress Semiconductors | Planning/Loading Proposal to get FG – 7 |
3 | HAL Nashik | Supply Chain Strategy for Lifetime Support of Military Aircraft |
4 | India Post | Traditional, Modern and Future Strategies |
5 | Metro C&C | End of Season Promotion Planning |
6 | Rastriya eMarket Services | Bringing Perishable Agricultural Commodities on Unified Market Platform (UMP) |
7 | Rastriya eMarket Services | Study of Farmer Producer Organization in Karnataka |
8 | Rastriya eMarket Services | Suggest Methods of Financing to Producers and Traders |
9 | SAP Labs | Block Chain Technologies in Supply Chain |
10 | SAP Labs | Feasibility of Public Cloud Supply Chain Software |
11 | Sasken Communication Technologies | Taxonomy of Technical Skills for Workforce Management |
12 | Titan Industries Ltd | End-of-season Sales Offer Design |
13 | TVS Logistics Services Ltd | Study of 3PL Logistics Industry Priyasha Kushwaha |
14 | SCM Centre | Supply Chain Strategy for Lifetime Support of Military Aircraft |
15 | SCM Centre | Network Optimization of Product Pipelines |
16 | Flipkart | A Temporal Study of Supply Chain of Cold Chain in India |
17 | India Post | Threats and Opportunities for Retail Post Services of DOP in the Context of Online Services |
18 | Titan | Retail Stock & Inventory Management |
19 | Flipkart | Customer Pickup |
20 | Flipkart | Study on Franchisee Model for Last Mile Hubs |
Year 2007
1 | Fuel Value Chain Management | Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited |
2 | Global Movement of Work and Talent and its Impact on Strategic Planning | IBM |
3 | Achieving Optimum Configuration of Global Manufacturing Plants and Markets | John Deere |
4 | Sourcing Strategy for an Automobile Company | John Deere |
5 | Outbound Logistics in Automobile Industry | Tata Motors |
6 | Analysis of Supply Chain Management Issues in Poultry Industry | Suguna Chicken |
7 | Critical Success Factors for Firms Managing Contract Labour Services | |
8 | Development of a Procurement and Distribution Model for Farm Fresh Fruits and Vegetables | |
9 | Aligning Manufacturing /Supply Chain to Meet Marketing Requirements | Titan Industries |
Year 2008
Sponsor Company | Title of the Student Project |
BPCL | Fuel Value Chain Management in Petroleum Industry BPCL – Student Project |
IBM | Vendor Management |
SAP | Performance Measurement of Supply Chains – Student Project |
Titan Industries | Assortment Planning of World of Titan Sales Outlets – Student Project |
TVS Logistics | Process Improvements for reduction in Working Capital and Improving Customer Satisfaction – Student Project |
TVS Logistics | Emerging Trends in Auto Industry on Outsourcing Logistics and the Imperatives for 3PL Service Providers – Student Project |
Year 2009
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
KPIs for measuring service logistics supply chain |
Supplier Diversity: Certifying Minority Owned Suppliers |
Manhattan Associates | Analysis of the supply chain of laptop |
Manhattan Associates | Emerging Trends in Indian Warehousing Industry |
TVS Logistics | Process Improvements for reduction in Working Capital and Improving Customer Satisfaction |
Year 2009
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
KPIs for measuring service logistics supply chain |
IBM | Supplier Diversity: Certifying Minority Owned Suppliers |
Manhattan Associates | Analysis of the supply chain of laptop |
Manhattan Associates | Emerging Trends in Indian Warehousing Industry |
TVS Logistics |
Process Improvements for reduction in Working Capital and Improving Customer Satisfaction |
Year 2010
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
IBM India |
1. Trade-offs in Green Supply Chain |
IBM India | 2. Procurement Outsourcing in India Market - Opportunity & Constraint |
Quest Global | 3. A Study of Pricing Models for Outsourcing of Services. |
TVS Logistics Services | 4. Value Creation in Warehousing Services |
TVS Logistics Services | 5. Optimizing Service Offerings by 3PL Service Providers in India |
SAP Labs |
6.Supply Chain Collaboration with emphasis on Indian Auto manufacturers. |
BAE Systems | 7. Building blocks for establishing a successful Aerospace Manufacturing Supply Chain in India.
IBM | 8. Training & Development for Procurement Professionals – Up-skilling resources to meet coming demand |
9. Building smarter supply chain through business analytics |
Featherlite |
10. Understanding of supply chain management of a “Made to order” product category |
FIRELuxur Developers | 11. Supply Chain Management in Construction Industry |
12. Maintenance Repair & Operations (MRO): Trends, Issues and Challenges in India | |
13. Logistics and Distribution Strategy for large scale delivery of mid-day meal | |
14. A new business model for On-demand delivery of food in Bangalore | |
SecureSpin | 15. Impact of counterfeiting on efficient supply chain management and avoidance mechanisms |
Year 2011
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
IBM India | Trade-offs in Green Supply Chain |
IBM India | Procurement Outsourcing in India Market - Opportunity & Constraint |
Quest Global |
A Study of Pricing Models for Outsourcing of Services. |
TVS Logistics Services | Value Creation in Warehousing Services |
TVS Logistics Services | Optimizing Service Offerings by 3PL Service Providers in India |
SAP Labs | Supply Chain Collaboration with emphasis on Indian Auto manufacturers∙ |
BAE Systems | Building blocks for establishing a successful Aerospace Manufacturing Supply Chain in India. |
IBM | Training & Development for Procurement Professionals – Up-skilling resources to meet coming demand |
IBM | Building smarter supply chain through business analytics |
Featherlite | Understanding of supply chain management of a “Made to order” product category |
FIRELuxur Developers | Supply Chain Management in Construction Industry |
Maintenance Repair & Operations (MRO): Trends, Issues and Challenges in India | |
Logistics and Distribution Strategy for large scale delivery of mid-day meal | |
A new business model for On-demand delivery of food in Bangalore | |
SecureSpin | Impact of counterfeiting on efficient supply chain management and avoidance mechanisms |
Year 2012
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
IBM India | Evolving a pan-India Electronic Invoicing Model for the B2B Market Space |
Titan | Retail & Distribution – Merchandise Management |
TVS Logistics Services | Designing an optimal vehicle routing for inbound supply chain for Auto Industry |
Nokia | Challenges in setting up global scale supplier capacities in India for (mobile phone) Displays and Batteries |
Nokia | Setting up global scale supplier capacities for PCBs and Semiconductors |
Nokia | Supply chain management study for paper-based packaging materials |
SCM Centre | Cauvery River Dispute: A Management Perspective |
Audco India Ltd | SCM analysis of a custom order manufacturing firm |
BAE Systems India | Supplier Development Issues in Homeland Security Industry |
BAE Systems India | Supplier Development in Defence Industry (Land Vehicles) |
Enterpriseforce | Logistics Imbalance in India: An Industry Perspective |
Larsen & Toubro Limited | New Product Positioning Strategy |
Reliance Industries Ltd. | Warehouse Modeling post Goods and Services Tax (GST) implementation |
SKF Limited | Outsourcing trends in Indian Bearing Industry |
Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research | Supply Chain Management in Specialty Hospitals |
Timken India | Inventory Modeling Strategies |
Year 2013
Sl No | Organisation | Project Topic |
1 | Accenture | Auto OEM Design |
2 | BPCL | Oil Procurement |
3 | BPCL | Refinery LP Formulation |
4 | DELL | Managing Build-to-Stock Supply Chain |
5 | DELL | Mapping SCM Capabilities |
6 | DIESL | Hub & Spoke Distribution |
7 | DIESL | Material Flows in Warehouse |
8 | EADS India | Competitiveness Assessment |
9 | EADS India | Scanning for Aerospace Sourcing |
10 | Infosys | Social Commerce |
11 | Infosys | Unbundling of Services |
12 | JDA | Analytics Dashboard |
13 | Net Distribution | e-Fulfillment |
14 | TVS Logistics | Surface Transport Options |
15 | KSRTC | Scheduling Practices in KSRTC |
16 | SCMC | Study of PDS |
17 | SCM Centre | Case of Missing Coins |
18 | SCM Centre | Perishable Goods Supply Chain |
19 | SCM Centre | SCM Excellence Model |
20 | SCM Centre | Securing Pharma Supply Chain |
21 | Accenture | Auto OEM Design |
22 | Infosys | Social Commerce |
23 | Infosys | Unbundling of Services |
24 | SCM Center | Developing a Markdown Pricing Game for Fashion Industry |
Year 2014
Sponsor Co. | Title of the Student Project |
TVS Logistics Services | Developing logistics support for a new product launch. |
BPCL | Retail Pricing Strategy |
TMLDL | Developing an Information Portal for enhancing Supply Chain Coordination |
EADS India | Competitiveness of Indian Engineering Services sector |
EADS India | Competitiveness of Indian IT sector |
Nokia | Evaluating feasibility of local sourcing of a component |
Nokia | Optimum level of Inventories of locally procured components subject varying demand |
SCM Centre | Analysis of SCM Solutions (IT) Industry |
Metro Cash & Carry | Case study of Merchandising and Supply Chain for Fresh Food Items |
SCM Centre | Developing a model for SCM Excellence |
UB Ltd. | Streamlining Brewery Supply Chain |
HP | Supply chain network optimization |
DIESL | Performance Measurement of Logistics Operations |
DIESL | Optimization of Logistic Services |
JDA | Mobility in Supply Chain |
JDA | Impact of Social Media in the Supply Chain/Retail |
Transystem Logistics | JIT Inbound Logistics |
BOSCH | Readiness of Indian SME to meet Recall and Product Liability requirements |
Greenway Grameen Infra | Logistics Strategy for reaching Rural Markets |
Year 2015
SlNo | Sponsor | Topic |
1 | Sasken | Opportunities in Sensor Networks |
2 | IBM | Social Media for Supply Chain Risk Management. |
3 | IBM | Competitive Analysis of Proposals |
4 | IBM | Supplier Diversity in Indian IT organisations |
5 | IBM | Cloud Computing & its Impact on IT Procurement |
6 | BPCL | Terming vs Spot purchase of LS crude oils. |
7 | India Post | Optimality Issues in Postal Logistics and Transportation Network |
8 | India Post | Delivery Network optimization and transmission of Speed Mail |
9 | India Post | India Post: e-Commerce Business |
10 | India Post | Infrastructure requirements in Post Offices |
11 | India Post | Marketing of India Post Products |
12 | SCM Centre | Cloud & Apps Marketing to SMEs |
13 | Real Estate SCM Centre | Impact of PreFab on Real Estate Supply Chain |
14 | SCM Centre | Study of agro-produce supply chain in India |
15 | SCM Centre | Multi-modal Transportation of Automobiles |
16 | SCM Centre | Social Media Policy for an Organisation |
17 | SCM Centre | Study of aviation industry and the strategy to develop aviation hubs in India |
18 | Sasken | Modeling demand-supply matching |
19 | Britannia | Forecast accuracy improvement |
20 | Army | Disaster Management: Civil Military Response |
21 | Cypress Semiconductor | Inventory Control |
22 | BigBasket | Emergent Technologies for Green Supply Chain |
23 | SKF | Global Supply Chain Risk Management |
24 | EADS India | Market Study and M&A opportunities for Aerostructure Commodity |
25 | EADS India | Global Aerospace Scrap Market, |
Case Studies
Year | Faculty Name | Title |
2023-24 | Satyajit Roy, Haritha Saranga, Jishnu Hazra | The Evolving Semiconductor Industry: Post-COVID Challenges for Automakers |
2023-24 | Tarun Jain | Sattva eTech: Supplier Selection for Component Sourcing |
2023-24 | Sharada Sringeswara, Sreedevi Gattu, Haritha Saranga, Dinesh Kumar Unni Krishnan | Data Storytelling: What are the Alternatives to Crop Residue Burning in India? |
2023-24 | Ranjani K S, Neeraj Pandey, Sumi Jha, Poonam Singh, Upasna A. Agarwal, Vivek Khanzode, Manoj Tiwari, Dinesh Kumar Unni Krishnan | Shri Ram Temple: A Fintech Solution for Large Scale Project |
2022-23 | Anshuman Tripathy, Avani Mishra, and Shlok Sangoi | Akshaya Patra: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Thereafter |
2022-23 | Haritha Saranga and Shailaja Grover | Shawls or Stoles? Resource Optimization Problem at Looms of Ladakh |
2022-23 | K S Ranjani, Neeraj Pandey, Sumi Jha, Poonam Singh, Upasna Agarwal, Vivek Khanzode, Manoj K Tiwari and Dinesh Kumar U | Shri Ram Temple: A Fintech Solution for Large Scale Project |
2021-22 | Anshuman Tripathy, Amrit S and Vanathi M | Thulasi Pharmacy: Riding the Digitalization Wave to Omnichannel Retailing |
2021-22 | Anshuman Tripathy, Siddharth Gupta and Aman Agarwal | Amagi – Pioneering Cloud Transformation in Broadcasting |
2021-22 | Asha Vishwanathan, Kaushik Prasanna Raju, Khanij Kumar S G, Lakshmi Krishna, Naveen Kamat and U Dinesh Kumar | Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in A Skilling Ecosystem |
2021-22 | Priyank Goyal, Puneet Kapoor, Gyanesh Jain, Ashish Sethia and U Dinesh Kumar | Champo Carpets: Improving Business-To-Business Sales Using Machine Learning Algorithms |
2021-22 | Haritha Saranga and Shashikant Kumawat | Ecofriendly Solution to Crop Residue Burning |
2021-22 | Haritha Saranga and Aman Chheda | Business Excellence Through Process Improvement – The Godrej Appliances Division (A) |
2021-22 | Haritha Saranga and Aman Chheda | Business Excellence Through Process Improvement – The Godrej Appliances Division (B) |
Year | Faculty Name | Title |
2020-21 | Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra | Sattva Etech: Enhancing Component Sourcing Flexibility |
2020-21 | Sivakumar S and B Mahadevan | Exceed: Improving Productivity and Reliability in Delivery of Software Solutions |
2020-21 | Anshuman Tripathy, Pranav Guglani and Abhijit S Pulimootil | Intartic: Riding the IoT Wave to A Service Model |
2020-21 | Haritha Saranga and Sirish Kumar Gouda | Gray to Green Transition – The Sustainability Journey of Dalmia Cement |
2019-20 | R Srinivasan, Sreecharan Rachakonda and Raj Kovid KR | Delhivery: Leveraging the Platform |
2019-20 | Kiran K and Anshuman Tripathy | Akshaya Patra Vrindavan: Operations and Resources Planning for a Mega Kitchen |
2019-20 | Aayushi Kalra, Shailaja Grover and U Dinesh Kumar | Supply Chain Analytics to Manage Blood at VHS Blood Bank |
2018-19 | Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra | Vinyas: To Be a Contract Manufacturer or Sell Through Own Channel? |
2018-19 | Haritha Saranga and Huang Yanghua | Alibaba – Building a Social Sustainability Ecosystem for E-commerce |
2018-19 | Anshuman Tripathy and Shikha Safaya | Airvent Fans Co. |
2018-19 | Anshuman Tripathy, Amey Sahasrabuddhe, and Indrasis Bose | Ather Energy: Riding The Electric Vehicle Tide |
2018-19 | Anshuman Tripathy, and Prashant Chintapalli | Stellar Auto Ltd |
2018-19 | Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra | Sattva Etech: Contract Selection in Component Procurement |
2017-18 | Anshuman Tripathy | Case Study on Global Product Development and Other Study Material |
2017-18 | U Dinesh Kumar, Haritha Saranga and Jishnu Hazra | Managing Supply Chain Disruption and Scale up Post Demonetization at SPMCIL |
2017-18 | Haritha Saranga and Yanghuna Huang | Case Study on Alibaba |
2016-17 | Tarun Jain And Jishnu Hazra | Ferrero Group: Securing Supply Chain for Hazelnuts |
2016-17 | Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra | Sattva eTECH: Challenges In Embedded New Product Development |
2016-17 | Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra | SATTVA eTECH: Managing Uncertainties in the Project Network |
2015-16 | Anshuman Tripathy, Manu Agarwal and Tabish Imam | Groundnut Value Chain at Anantapur: A Case Study on Forward Integration |
2015-16 | Anshuman Tripathy and Tamojit Tarit Roy | Sustaining The Akshaya Patra Foundation (A) & (B) |
White Paper
Month | Publication | Title | Author |
Jun-23 | Forbes India | 5 ways to change the 'P' in Personal Income Tax | Jitamitra Desai |
Jun-23 | Forbes India | Navigating through the ethos and sophistication of Generative AI | Aparana Gupta and U Dinesh Kumar |
Oct-23 | Economic Times | A Platform of Contract Manufacturers Will Benefit Pharma Industry, but Who Will own it? | Vansh Lakhina, Ashish Pisal, and Amar Sapra |
Oct-23 | Forbes India | Right to Repair | Sayan Chowdhury, Nishant Kumar Verma |
Nov-23 | Forbes India | The Road Ahead for India in the EV Battery Space | Nandan Kumar Singh, Milan Kumar and Nishant Kumar Verma |
Jan-24 | UIBC in collaboration with Nangia Andersen LLP. | Optimizing the Green Machine: A Look at Logistics in Renewable Energy | Aditya Gupta, Mohan Krishna |
Jan-24 | Logistics focus, the knowledge initiative of TCI | The Tech-Powered Path to Sustainability: How technology is helping organizations in their sustainability journey | Aditya Gupta, Mohan Krishna |
Sep-23 | Agriculture World (by Krishi Jagran) | Cooling for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Indian Cold Chain Infrastructure | Aditya Gupta, Mohan Krishna, Remya |
Sep-23 | Manufacturing Today | Interview about evolution, purpose, activities and impact of TCI-IIMB Supply Chain Sustainability Lab | Aditya Gupta |
Jul-23 | Financial Express | India and USA forge a joint path towards climate change and clean energy transformation | Aditya Gupta |
Jun-23 | Times of India Blogs | Boosting ESG in Supply Chain: The Role of Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Laboratory | Aditya Gupta |
May-23 | CSR Universe | Adoption of Green Logistics as a sustainable policy to minimize the environmental impact of supply chain activities | Aditya Gupta |