Proud moments at valedictory of MPEFB 7
Camaraderie and cheer marked the valedictory of the 7th Batch of the MPEFB program on Saturday (Dec 21) afternoon at the IIMB auditorium.
MPEFB, one of the main programmes delivered by the NSRCEL at IIMB, is the Management Programme for Entrepreneurs & Family Businesses. Over 300 entrepreneurs have so far trained under the programme.
Addressing the MPEFB 7 participants, Mr Saif Qureshi, MD and CEO of KRFYS Power Components, alum of PGP'88 batch and Head of the National Alumni Council, spoke about his long and rewarding association with IIMB and NSRCEL. He then gave away the certificates to all the programme participants.
That the programme holds a special appeal was evident from the fact that all the participants attended the valedictory with families in tow. As the spouses beamed with pride, the children captured, on their iPads and iPhones, the special moment of mom/ dad walking up to the dais to receive their certificates. Speak of role reversals!
Ms. Gauri Jayaram, Founder of Active Holiday Company and author of the book 'Wise Enough to be Foolish', declared that the MPEFB programme was the best to have happened to her. "Totally committed faculty, a course that has been so excellently designed and delivered and peers who facilitate great learning make the programme a winner."
For Anita R, who was already running her own business when she signed up for the MPEFB programme, the greatest takeaway was the validation that the programme gave her about her work. "It was great to learn that I was on the right track and, for me, it became a journey of consolidation," she said.
With a nod to the warm bonds forged between the participants, and between the faculty and participants over a period of a year, Professor G Sabarinathan, Chairperson of NSRCEL and Professor of Finance & Control, IIMB, quipped: "I see there are wide smiles because your agony - of having to listen to my lectures -has now come to an end!"
On a more serious note, he said: "The program - MPEFB, managed by the Executive Education Programmes Office and delivered by NSRCEL, has been designed to add value to the participants and hence content is updated and teaching emphasis is constantly re-evaluated."
Professor K Kumar, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management of New Ventures, NSRCEL, said: "MEPFB, which we started in 2006, is aimed at entrepreneurs and family businesses. It is for those who have committed themselves to an entrepreneurial career. The programme is aimed at equipping them with relevant managerial skills. It addresses the needs of both the first generation entrepreneur and one running a family business.
Earlier in the afternoon, Professor M S Narasimhan, Professor, Finance & Control, welcomed the gathering.
The valedictory was followed by a new practice initiated this year - an open house for those who were interested in knowing about MPEFB.
Proud moments at valedictory of MPEFB 7
Camaraderie and cheer marked the valedictory of the 7th Batch of the MPEFB program on Saturday (Dec 21) afternoon at the IIMB auditorium.
MPEFB, one of the main programmes delivered by the NSRCEL at IIMB, is the Management Programme for Entrepreneurs & Family Businesses. Over 300 entrepreneurs have so far trained under the programme.
Addressing the MPEFB 7 participants, Mr Saif Qureshi, MD and CEO of KRFYS Power Components, alum of PGP'88 batch and Head of the National Alumni Council, spoke about his long and rewarding association with IIMB and NSRCEL. He then gave away the certificates to all the programme participants.
That the programme holds a special appeal was evident from the fact that all the participants attended the valedictory with families in tow. As the spouses beamed with pride, the children captured, on their iPads and iPhones, the special moment of mom/ dad walking up to the dais to receive their certificates. Speak of role reversals!
Ms. Gauri Jayaram, Founder of Active Holiday Company and author of the book 'Wise Enough to be Foolish', declared that the MPEFB programme was the best to have happened to her. "Totally committed faculty, a course that has been so excellently designed and delivered and peers who facilitate great learning make the programme a winner."
For Anita R, who was already running her own business when she signed up for the MPEFB programme, the greatest takeaway was the validation that the programme gave her about her work. "It was great to learn that I was on the right track and, for me, it became a journey of consolidation," she said.
With a nod to the warm bonds forged between the participants, and between the faculty and participants over a period of a year, Professor G Sabarinathan, Chairperson of NSRCEL and Professor of Finance & Control, IIMB, quipped: "I see there are wide smiles because your agony - of having to listen to my lectures -has now come to an end!"
On a more serious note, he said: "The program - MPEFB, managed by the Executive Education Programmes Office and delivered by NSRCEL, has been designed to add value to the participants and hence content is updated and teaching emphasis is constantly re-evaluated."
Professor K Kumar, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management of New Ventures, NSRCEL, said: "MEPFB, which we started in 2006, is aimed at entrepreneurs and family businesses. It is for those who have committed themselves to an entrepreneurial career. The programme is aimed at equipping them with relevant managerial skills. It addresses the needs of both the first generation entrepreneur and one running a family business.
Earlier in the afternoon, Professor M S Narasimhan, Professor, Finance & Control, welcomed the gathering.
The valedictory was followed by a new practice initiated this year - an open house for those who were interested in knowing about MPEFB.