An Efficient Real-world Food Delivery System
Volume 13, Number 2 Article by Ashok Kumar, Stephen T Margulis and Jaideep Motwan June 2001
An Efficient Real-world Food Delivery System: The Dabbawallas of Mumbai :
Ashok Kumar is an engineer from IIT Kanpur, and Birmingham,UK, with a PhD in Operations Management from Purdue. His interests include integrated supply chain systems with stochastic demand, and meta research in operations. Currently an Associate Professor at the Seidman School of Business, Grand Valley State University, Ashok Kumar is also a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan Business School.
Stephen T Margulis is Professor of Management, and was formerly the Eugene Eppinger Professor of Facilities Management in the Seidman School of Business, Grand Valley State University. He has worked in academic settings, for the US federal government as a research psychologist, and in the private sector as a director of research. His major area of interest is tactics of information management, especially privacy.
Jaideep Motwani is currently Chair and Associate Professor in the Management Department of Grand Valley State University. He studied business administration at Bombay University and at Sam Houston State University, and has a Ph D in Operations Management from University of North Texas. His areas of research interest include total quality management, technology management and operations strategy.
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