Photo Gallery: International Conference on Future of Aviation & Aerospace 2018
Photo Gallery: International Conference on Future of Aviation & Aerospace 2018
Dr. S Raghunath, faculty IIM Bangalore and Conference Chair, welcomes the speakers and participants to the ‘International Conference on Future of Aviation & Aerospace 2018’, organized by IIMB's Executive Education Programmes, on February 24, 2018.
Dr. G Raghuram, Director, IIM Bangalore, delivers the inaugural address at the conference.
Dr. Dwarkanath, President, AIRBUS, speaks at the International Aerospace and Aviation Conference 2018, organized IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24, 2018.
Vinay Dube, CEO, Jet Airways, speaks on ‘Exploring The State Of The Aviation & Aerospace Industry’ at the ‘Future of Aviation’ Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24, 2018.
Dr. Christophe Benaroya, from Toulouse Business School France, speaks at the ‘Future of Aviation and Aerospace’ Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24, 2018.
Amber Dubey, Partner & Head Aerospace and Defense, KPMG India, speaks at the panel discussion on ‘Looking To India: Next Growth Opportunity’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24. (L-R) Prof. S Raghunath; Amber Dubey; Awibhavan Dhakaria, Business Head, LIEBHERR India; Amit Thakran, Consulting & Research, CAPA India and Shruti Porwal, Consulting & Research, CAPA India.
Captain Sam Thomas, President, ALPA India, speaks at the panel discussion on ‘Managing Talent in the Industry’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24. Captain Sam Thomas; Dr Jérôme Bove, Scientific and academic attaché Embassy of France; Suraj Chetri, Regional Director Human Resources, AIRBUS; Rahul Taneja, Chief People Officers, Jet Airways.
(L-R) Captain Prabhakaran, HTS Aerospace India Leader, Honeywell Aerospace; Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan, Lead Scientist, Metallurgy, GE India Technology Centre; and Venkat Sankar, Director - Software Engineering, GE Aviation Digital, at the panel discussion on ‘Driving Real Insights Through IOT & Big Data’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24.
Siddhartha Balachandran, from AIRBUS BIZLAB speaks at the panel discussion on ‘Start-Ups: Their Role & Contribution To Aerospace & Aviation Industry’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24. (L-R) Siddhartha Balachandran; Cecilia SKRODER, Business Development and Partnership, NAVBLUE and Mantha Venkataramana, CEO, Assystem Technologies India.
Christophe IMBERT, President & CEO, Milanamos speaks at the panel discussion on ‘The Strategic Insights On Customer Behaviour’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24. (L-R) Dr. G Shainesh, Faculty from Marketing area, IIM Bangalore; Christophe IMBERT; Girish Rangareddy, MD, ATR and Belson Coutinho, Sr. Vice President - Marketing, eCommerce & Innovations, Jet Airways.
Anantha Agasthya, Former Executive Director, HAL, moderated the panel discussion on ‘How Does Government Aid Aerospace & Aviation Industry?’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24.
Captain Amitabh Singh, Executive Director Training, Air India, speaks at the panel discussion on ‘How Does Government Aid Aerospace & Aviation Industry?’ during the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference, organized by IIMB’s Executive Education Programmes, on February 24. (L-R) Ravikiran Pothukuchi, Industry Leader, Dassault System; Damodaran Subramanian, Vice Chairman, IFCCI and Captain Amitabh Singh.
A session of participants at the International Aviation & Aerospace Conference 2018.