IIMB Management Review December 2015
Volume 27, No 4 |
December, 2015 |
From the Editor |
Nagasimha Balakrishna Kanagal |
Synopses |
Marcelo Brutti Righi, Sergio Guilherme Schlender and Paulo Sergio Ceretta |
Pair Copula Constructions to Determine the Dependence Structure of Treasury Bond Yields |
K.C.Mishra and |
Debjani Ghosh and L. Gurunathan |
Do Commitment Based Human Resource Practices Influence Job Embeddedness and Intentions to Quit? |
Vinita Kalra, H. P. Mathur and P.V.Rajeev |
Microfinance Clients’ Awareness Index: A Measure of Awareness and Skills of Microfinance Clients |
Round Table |
Thankom Arun and Rajalaxmi Kamath |
Book Review |
Sudeshna Ghosh |
Oxford India Short Introductions ̶ Pathways to Economic Development. Amitava Krishna Dutt. 2014. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pages: 211. Rs 295. Oxford India Short Introductions ̶ International Trade and India. Partha Pratim Pal. 2014. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pages: 244. Rs 295. |