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Faculty profiles
Allen Ugargol

Allen P

Associate Professor of Practice
Public Policy
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Allen Ugargol is a faculty of Public Policy at IIM Bangalore. He is a public health and development pracademic, a social epidemiologist and an applied demographer with significant practice and research interests in health policy, health systems, health economics, and healthcare management.

Prof. Allen Ugargol is a Yusuf Hamied Fellowship awardee for 2022-23 at the Columbia Aging Center, Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. He received the ICMR Prof. Surindar Mohan Marwah Award for 2020 for his sustained and significant research in the discipline of ageing and geriatrics in India. In 2012, he received the ‘Ubbo Emmius’ Fellowship for his PhD at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, where he was supported by the Indian-European Research Networking Grant: Ageing and Well-being in a Globalizing World funded by NWO-ESRC-ICSSR. He served as a Member of the Working Group that conceptualized the National Health Portal (NHP) under the direction of the National Knowledge Commission, India. In 2011, he was awarded with the ‘Jnana Fellowship’ by the Karnataka Knowledge Commission, Government of Karnataka.

Prior to joining IIMB, he served as Dean-Academics and Associate Professor at IIHMR, Bangalore, as Associate Professor of Public Health at the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Bangalore, as Senior Resident and Lead Manager – Health Informatics Research at St. John’s Research Institute (SJRI) and has consulted as a technical expert for UNICEF and the World Bank in India.


Prof. Ugargol’s interdisciplinary research forays blend quantitative and interpretive approaches in understanding ageing and longevity transitions, migration and health, urbanization and health, occupational health, and ageism in work and society. His research has been published in several noteworthy journals including The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia, Ageing and Society, BMJ, Asian Population Studies, BMJ Open, and Ageing International. He has also published several commissioned chapters.

Selected Journal Articles:

  • Ugargol, A.P., Mukherji, A, & Tiwari R (2023). In search of a fix to the primary health care chasm in India: Can institutionalizing a public health cadre and inducting family physicians be the answer?’ The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia. Vol. 13, June 2023.
  • Verma S & Ugargol AP (2022). A Situational Review of Recommended Dietary and Lifestyle Management Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues, Vol. 45 (4): 183 - 189 / October-December 2022.
  • Ugargol, A. P., & Bailey, A. (2021). Reciprocity between older adults and their care-givers in emigrant households of Kerala, India. Ageing & Society, 41(8), 1699-1725.
  • Ugargol, A. P., & Bailey, A. (2018). Family caregiving for older adults: gendered roles and caregiver burden in emigrant households of Kerala, India. Asian Population Studies, 14(2), 194-210.
  • Ugargol, A. P., Hutter, I., James, K. S., & Bailey, A. (2016). Care Needs and Caregivers: Associations and Effects of Living Arrangements on Caregiving to Older Adults in India. Ageing International, 41(2), 193-213.
  • Sood, N., Ugargol, A. P., Barnes, K. and Mahajan, A., (2016). Applying appropriate-use criteria to cardiac revascularisation in India. BMJ Open, 6(3), p.e010345.
  • Raj, T.D.S., Sarah, T., Dhinagaran, D. & Ugargol, A. P. (2013), Design, Development and Implementation of a Touch-Screen Health Information Kiosk for Patients at the Outpatient Waiting Area in a Large Tertiary Care Hospital in India: An Evaluation of User Satisfaction, Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 8-13.
  • Ugargol, A. P., Doshi R, & Basu M. After The Tsunami. BMJ 2007; 335: 0712440.

Published Books / Chapters in Edited Books:

  • Ugargol, A.P., Kashyap, G.C., Shaw, S. (2023). Exploring the Influence of Work, Retirement, and Pensions on the Self-Reported Health of Older Adults in India. In: Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy. Springer Nature, Singapore.
  • Ugargol, A.P., Parvathy, L. (2023). Precarity of Informal Work, Absence of Social Security, and Ageism: The Persistence of Social Inequalities and Challenges for Older Adults’ Labor Force Participation in India. In: Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy. Springer Nature, Singapore.
  • Ugargol, A.P., Bailey. A., Hutter, I., & James, K.S. (2022). Care Arrangements for Older Adults: Exploring the Intergenerational Contract in Emigrant Households of Goa, India. In Bailey, A., Hyde, M. and James, K.S. (Eds). Care for Older Adults in India (pp. 86-117), Policy Press, United Kingdom. 
  • Ugargol, A. P. (2020). Ageing and Exchange of Care in Emigrant Households: Case Studies from Kerala and Goa, India. [Groningen]: University of Groningen (Thesis).
  • Ugargol, A. P. 2018. Medical Practitioner Series - Management of Common Oral and Dental Conditions, (2018; vol. VIII). Printed by Karnataka Medical Council, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (Chapter in Edited Book).
  • Ugargol, A. P. 2012. Satellite Communication in the Health Domain: The NRHM Karnataka Initiative, March 2012, Published by: Directorate of Health & Family Planning Services, Government of Karnataka (Book).

  • Health Economics: Theory and Practice in Fragmented Markets (PGP)

  • Foundations of Development Economics (PGP)

  • Business, Government and Society (PGP)

  • Ageism, Work & Society (PhD)

  • 2024-2027: Appointed to the Academic Council of the Institute for Health Management Research (IIHMR), Bangalore.
  • 2023-: Appointed to the Editorial Board of Journal of Global Ageing (JoGA), British Society of Gerontology.
  • 2022-2024 : Chairperson, Postgraduate Program in Enterprise Management (PGPEM), IIM Bangalore
  • 2022- : Member, Institutional Research Ethics Committee at the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru
  • 2022- : Member, Institutional Review Board, Institute of Health Management Research Bangalore (IIHMR-B)
  • 2021- : Member of Academic Council, Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University (KSRDPRU), Gadag, Karnataka, India
  • 2019- : Member, Board of Studies for the Master of Public Health (MPH) Programme at the Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University (KSRDPRU), Gadag, Karnataka, India.
  • 2019- : Chairperson, Board of Examiners (2019-) on the Master of Public Health (MPH) Programme for Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University (KSRDPRU), Gadag, Karnataka, India
  • 2014: Member of the NSQF Technical Advisory Committee for Healthcare, Government of Karnataka on Skills Development
  • 2010-11: Member of the Working Group from St. John’s Research Institute (SJRI) that conceptualized the National Health Portal (NHP) under the National Knowledge Commission (NKC), Government of India

Dr. Ugargol has consulted as a technical expert for multilateral agencies such as UNICEF and the World Bank in India and as a public health expert for international and national non-profit social sector organizations in India.

  • PhD, Demography, University of Groningen (RUG), The Netherlands
  • Fellowship in Health Informatics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
  • MPH, Public Health, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, India
  • BDS, Dental Surgery, M.R. Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore University, India

  • 2023: Awarded the distinguished ‘Yusuf Hamied Fellowship 2022-23’ and invited as Visiting Fellow to the Columbia Aging Center at the Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
  • 2022: Awarded the prestigious Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Prof. Surindar Mohan Marwah Award for 2020 for sustained and significant research on Ageing and Geriatrics in India
  • 2012-2016: Awarded the Ubbo Emmius PhD Fellowship, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 
  • 2012: Awarded the Jnana Fellowship by the Karnataka Knowledge Commission, Government of Karnataka 
  • 2005: Awarded Fellowship in Health Informatics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, United Kingdom
  • 2005: Awarded Visiting Research Fellowship, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, United Kingdom