Somak Mukherjee,
IIM Calcutta
Money matters: Is the trading pattern of foreign institutional investors prior to IPOs indicative of their interest in the IPO stocks?
Anshika Mathur,
Shiv Nadar University
Money matters: Evidence from a conditional cash transfer scheme on child and maternal health
Guneshwar Anand,
IIM Visakhapatnam
Facets of the knapsack polytope from non-minimal covers
Abhishek Dureja,
IGIDR Mumbai
Demand and supply side incentivization and child health outcomes: Evidence from India
Priyanka Dutta,
ISI Delhi
Public, private, or a bit of both (mixed)
Tanya Jain,
IIM Bangalore
Debt contract enforcement and product innovation: Evidence from a legal reform in India
Ankit Karia,
IIM Bangalore
Systemic banking crises, financial market development, & firms’ leverage
Ankit Karia,
IIM Bangalore
Systemic banking crises, financial market development, & firms’ leverage
Ms Neharika Sobti,
Delhi University
Spot, Futures, ETF or Gold Stocks – Who Leads in Gold Price Discovery?
Ms. Rupika Khanna,
IIM Lucknow
Infrastructure and manufacturing productivity in India: A dynamic heterogeneous panel approach
Nitika Sharma,
Delhi University
Facades of morality: An exploratory study of Indian’s green buying behaviour
Ms. Saipriya Kamath,
ISB Hyderabad
Once Bitten Once Shy: Learning or Risk-Aversion after Audit Failure?
Sandip Trada,
IIM Indore
The Poisoning Role of Perceived Unfairness on Channel Partners’ Opportunism
Kshitij Awasthi,
IIM Bangalore
Effect of Political Directors on Profit Persistence: Evidence from India
Tarun Jain,
IIM Bangalore
Excess Procurement Strategies under Competition
Pratik Goel,
ISB Hyderabad
Does Greater R&D Qualitative Disclosure Provide Information about Firm Profitability?
Aruna Divya T,
IIM Bangalore
Reference Dependent Preferences on Time of Coverage: An Alternative Explanation for why we observe Minimal Warranties” (Marketing)
Anuradha Saha
Indian Statistical Institute Delhi
Tax Policy and Food Security” (Economics and Social Sciences)
Giridhar Ramachandran,
IIM Bangalore
Benefits of flocking together | Perceived Value of Consumption Community Membership – Results of a Qualitative Study
Sreevas Sahasranamam,
IIM Kozhikode
Moderating Effect of Formal Institutions on Individual Resource Commitment to Social Enterprise Entry”
Prakash Awasthy,
IIM Bangalore
Collaboration in outcome-based contract for IT services
Abdul Quadir,
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi
Mechanism Design over Matroids
Arnab Bhattacharya,
IIM Calcutta
Role of Retail Investor Participation in Developing Secondary Market Liquidity for Indian IPOs
Divya Upadhyay,
IIM Bangalore
A Construal Level Perspective of Conflict Management Style
Soham Sahoo,
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi
Female Labour Force Participation and Child Education in India: Evidence from the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Gopal Das,
IIT Kharagpur
Impact of store personality antecedents on store personality dimensions: An empirical study
Vidhula Venugopal,
IIM Bangalore
Growth Aspirations of Women Entrepreneurs - An Empirical Study in the Indian Context
Rajeev Verma,
IIM Indore
Service Delivery Innovation Architecture: An Empirical Study of Antecedents and Outcome
Ankur Arora,
IIM Bangalore
Dual based procedure for min-max regret uncapacitated facility location problem
Narahari Hansoge,
IIM Bangalore
Economic Transition and the Value of Business Group
Devi Vijay,
IIM Bangalore
Emergence of an Organizational Field: A Study of the Palliative Care Field in Kerala, India
Vikash Gautham,
Firm Investment, Financial Constraint and Voluntary Asset Sales
Faiz Hamid,
IIM Lucknow
A Polyhedral Approach for Solving Two Facility Network Design Problem
Apalak Khatua,
IIM Calcutta
A Multilevel Approach to Business Groups during Institutional Transitions in Emerging Market Economies
Vinay Asthana,
IIM Lucknow
Asset Pricing with Spirit of Capitalism in a Rare Disaster Framework
Rajkumar Upadhyay,
IIM Bangalore
Early Mover Advantages: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Cellular Market
Sathyajit Gubbi,
IIM Calcutta
Do Emerging Economy Firms Need Ambidextrous Strategies for Internationalization?
Indrajit Mukherjee,
IIM Calcutta
Institutional Legacy and Technological Knowledge Sourcing Trajectory in Emerging Economy Firms