  • IMRDC 2026
    9 & 10 January
Man in glasses and blue shirt seated by artwork. IMRDC 2009 Award Winner


Dr Sathyajit Gubbi

The Pradip N Khandwalla Award

IMRDC 2009, 1st edition

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Dr Arnab Bhattacharya

The Zee Entertainment Award

IMRDC 2013, 5th edition

“I have several fond memories of attending IMRDC 2013 at IIM Bangalore as a doctoral student at IIM Calcutta. First, the conference was organized with utmost care, sincerity and professionalism. For example, IMRDC was perhaps one of the foremost initiatives among Doctoral conferences in India, where a faculty member with relevant expertise was exclusively assigned as a discussant to each of the selected papers at the conference. I remember my paper being discussed by Prof. Venkatesh Panchapagesan from IIM Bangalore, who subsequently shared valuable insights and suggestions for improving it. Second, the conference included paper presenters who were doing their PhDs from some of the top institutions in India spread across different research domains. This provided immense networking opportunities for the doctoral students during the conference. Finally, IIM Bangalore, as an academic campus, always leaves an everlasting sweet memory for the serene environment it offers in the lush green backdrop. I will strongly encourage all Doctoral students to consider submitting their research work at IMRDC and benefiting from the wholesome experience.”

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Dr. Soham Sahoo

The State Bank of Mysore Award

IMRDC 2013, the 5th edition

“I attended IMRDC more than a decade ago when I was a PhD student at Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. Due to the presentation format and having an assigned discussant, I received valuable feedback. In fact, several years later, the faculty member who discussed my paper became my colleague when I joined IIM Bangalore myself as a faculty! Overall, attending IMRDC has been a cherished experience.”

Dr Pratik Goel

The Canara Bank Award

IMRDC 2015, 7th edition

“Greetings from Paris!
It was a great experience to present my paper at IMRDC 2015, the 7th edition of the conference. Not only did it serve as a great opportunity to mingle with other doctoral students, it felt nice and uplifting to have received the best paper award as a young researcher. I wish there were more such opportunities to support PhD students in management science in India.
All the best!”

Dr Kshitij Awasthi

The IMRDC 2015 Best Paper Award

IMRDC 2015, 7th edition

“I am super excited to share my experiences of IMRDC which is perhaps the best doctoral conference I have known. It pays exceptional focus on developing the papers and the scholars! From having very senior reseracher as discussant to all the selected papers to having cutting edge reserach workshop it is a wonderful experience. The IMR team is comprised of nicest of persons who are always ready to do everything to make conference as enriching as possible.
I also have amazing memories IMRDC and how it changed my research journey. One of my thesis paper was selected for IMRDC in the 7th edition 2015 wherein Prof. Dahlia Mani was my discussant. She prepared a detailed presentation on my paper and provided in-depth feedback which was extremely helpful in developing the paper. After incorporating the suggestions, I submitted the paper to Academy of Management Conference, 2016 where it received Distinguished Paper award from BPS Division, Academy of Management, and recently got accepted for Publication in Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Apart from the paper, IMRDC has impacted me as a researchers by attending such high quality papers and the discussion over them, attending workshop, meeting fellow scholars across India and experts from various resreach domain. Not only me, this is true to most doctoral students whom I have met during conference in 2015 or earlier as volunteer.
IMRDC will always hold one of the key stepping stone in my journey as doctoral student and in further academic career! ”

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Dr Nitika Sharma

The IIMB Alumni Best Paper Award

IMRDC 2018, 9th edition

“Pursuing a PhD is a journey filled with moments of both confusion and discovery. Being a part of the 9th edition of IMRDC 2018 was one of those remarkable 'AHA' moments and a highlight of my PhD experience. My paper, "Facades of Morality: An Exploratory Study of Indian Green Buying Behaviour," won the IIMB Alumni Best Paper Award. This recognition was incredibly gratifying, as every scholar believes in the value of their work, but receiving acknowledgement takes it beyond words. Additionally, the feedback from experts provided valuable direction for my future research. IMRDC was an exceptionally memorable and rewarding experience in my PhD journey.”

Priyanka Dutta

The IMRDC 2023 Best Paper Award

IMRDC 2023, 14th edition

“Participating in IMRDC 2023 was an incredible learning opportunity. Listening to high-quality papers from fellow PhD presenters across various fields such as economics, public policy, marketing, and finance, along with engaging discussions led by esteemed professors, broadened my perspectives and deepened my knowledge. I presented my work, "Public, private, or a bit of both (mixed)," at the conference and received invaluable feedback from my discussant and other participants. I am deeply grateful for these insights, which have significantly enhanced my research. Additionally, the special lectures and writing sessions provided during the conference equipped me with essential tools to strengthen my future research. I sincerely thank the IMRDC 2023 organizers for offering me the opportunity to be part of such an enriching experience.”

Anshika Mathur

The IMRDC 2024 Best Paper Award

IMRDC 2024, 15th edition

“Dear Organizing Committee,
Thank you for this opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The conference is one of a kind, bringing together scholars from different fields, which leads to engaging conversations. The inclusion of dedicated discussants for every presentation is a notable feature. I recall a few scholars receiving feedback as thorough as a Revise and Resubmit (R&R). The interaction I had with the IIM faculty was also beneficial. I would like to personally mention the valuable comments from Professor Aditya Shrinivas on how I could improve my paper.
I must also commend the hospitality of IIM Bangalore. Covering travel and accommodation expenses is a significant support for Ph.D. students. I would love to attend the conference in the future as well.”

Guneshwar Anand

The IMRDC 2024 Best Paper Award

IMRDC 2024, 15th edition

“Attending the IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC) was a transformative experience. Winning the Best Paper Award at IMRDC 2024 for "Facets of the Knapsack Polytope from Non-Minimal Covers" was a significant milestone in my academic journey. The recognition and feedback I received were invaluable, driving me to pursue my research with greater vigor and confidence.
IMRDC stands out as a premier platform for doctoral students to showcase their work, exchange ideas, and network with peers and experts from around the globe. The 16th edition of IMRDC at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore promises to continue this tradition of excellence. I strongly encourage all doctoral students to participate in IMRDC. The experience will enrich your research journey and open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.”