  • IMRDC 2026
    9 & 10 January

Call for Submissions

IIMB Management Review (IMR) and the Office of the Doctoral Programme are organising the sixteenth IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC) 2025 on 17 & 18 January 2025, at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). The conference will be held at the IIMB campus. We would also consider a limited hybrid model in order to facilitate the online participation of invited speakers, doctoral students, and delegates.

Our objective is to encourage doctoral research and facilitate collaborative work among researchers from different institutions. We aim to provide a forum where insightful feedback from senior researchers and academicians can help improve the quality and rigour of doctoral student research. The IMR Doctoral Conference is a benchmark event in India's doctoral community, commended by participants for the thorough and constructive feedback provided through its “one exclusive discussant per paper” format.

IMRDC highlights

  • Premier doctoral student conference in India
  • Opportunity for PhD students to present their research and learn about current research of other doctoral students
  • Submissions from across the globe
  • Three rounds of rigorous review
  • One exclusive discussant per selected paper
  • Invited Talks, Workshops & Panel Discussions by eminent academics

We invite full paper submissions from doctoral students in Management, across all areas including Decision Sciences, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance &Accounting, Information Systems, Marketing, Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Management, Production & Operations Management, Public Policy, and Strategy. Doctoral students from Indian institutions and institutions outside India are invited to submit their papers to IMRDC 2025.

The submissions will be reviewed by a Faculty Review Committee in multiple rounds, from which a set of papers will be selected for the final presentation and critiqued by the discussants in the Conference. We aim to select at least one paper from each area for the final presentation. Papers selected for the conference will be considered for publication in IIMB Management Review, subject to author approval and after completion of the journal’s standard review process.

A Best Paper Award will be given to the best paper among those selected for presentation, based on the decision of the Conference Chairs, the Discussants, and the Faculty Review Committee.

Important Dates

Submissions open

15 June 2024

Deadline for submission of full paper

29 July 2024

Conference dates

17 & 18 January 2025



  • The conference is open to doctoral students who have commenced research on their theses.
  • Only one paper per student is allowed; while co-authorship with faculty is permitted, the paper must be presented by the doctoral student at the conference.
  • The paper should not have been published, or accepted for publication, in any academic journal.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Only full paper submissions will be considered. Papers should be submitted to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=imrdc2025 in the prescribed format.
  2. Submission Format
    • Easychair submission page: When you make a submission on the Easychair submission page, please ensure that all the fields in the information page are filled correctly. This would include Title of the paper; Keywords; Topic/Subject area; Abstract (200 words); Details of Author/Co-Authors which include first name, last name, email, phone number, affiliation, and country. Details of the authors’ names and affiliation should not appear in the main manuscript.
    • Full paper (without author identifiers):
      • The full paper should be uploaded on the Easychair submission page using the Submission tab. This document should not contain author names and author details. The paper should be uploaded as a pdf file.
      • The full paper submission should contain the title of the paper, the 200-word abstract, the keywords, and clearly outlined literature, methodology and results sections.
      • The paper, inclusive of tables, figures, references, and appendices, should be submitted as a single document and should not exceed 8,000 words.
      • References should be in APA style (The following link can be used for guidelines - http://www.bibme.org/citation-guide/apa/)
      • The paper must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font with double line spacing and 1” margin on all sides.
    • Submissions not following the above format will be desk rejected.
    • All submissions will be put through an originality/plagiarism check.
  3. Authors must also submit a nomination letter from the concerned thesis advisor/faculty-member. The letter should comment on the contribution of the paper to the student’s research agenda, especially for students not at an advanced stage of their research. The nomination letter should contain the signature and affiliation details of the advisor, along with the official seal. A scanned copy of the nomination letter should be emailed to the IMRDC Secretariat at imrc[at]iimb[dot]ac[dot]in

For more details and regular updates about the conference, please visit:  https://www.iimb.ac.in/imr-doctoral-conference