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IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

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Journal Article: ' In search of a fix to the primary health care chasm in India: can institutionalizing a public health cadre and inducting family physicians be the answer?' Prof. Arnab Mukherji & Allen P Ugargol

Allen Prabhaker Ugargol, Arnab Mukherji

Abstract: India's woes with an underprioritized and hence underfunded and understaffed public health system continue to plague public healthcare delivery. Though the need for appropriately qualified public health cadre to lead public health programmes is well established, a well-meaning conducive approach to implementing this is lacking. As the COVID-19 pandemic brought back the focus on India's fragmented health system and primary healthcare deficiencies, we discuss the primary healthcare conundrum in India in search of a quintessential fix. We argue for instituting a well-thought and inclusive public health cadre to lead preventive and promotive public health programmes and manage public health delivery. With the aim being to increase community confidence in primary health care, along with the need to augment primary healthcare infrastructure, we argue for a need to augment primary healthcare with physicians trained in family medicine. Provisioning medical officers and general practitioners trained in family medicine can salvage community's confidence in primary care, increase primary healthcare utilization, stymie over-specialization of care, channelize and prioritize referrals, and guarantee competence in healthcare quality for rural communities.

Authors’ Names: Allen Prabhaker Ugargol, Arnab Mukherji, Ritika Tiwari

Journal Name: The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia

URL: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lansea/article/PIIS2772-3682(23)00057-4/fulltext

Journal Article: ' In search of a fix to the primary health care chasm in India: can institutionalizing a public health cadre and inducting family physicians be the answer?' Prof. Arnab Mukherji & Allen P Ugargol

Abstract: India's woes with an underprioritized and hence underfunded and understaffed public health system continue to plague public healthcare delivery. Though the need for appropriately qualified public health cadre to lead public health programmes is well established, a well-meaning conducive approach to implementing this is lacking. As the COVID-19 pandemic brought back the focus on India's fragmented health system and primary healthcare deficiencies, we discuss the primary healthcare conundrum in India in search of a quintessential fix. We argue for instituting a well-thought and inclusive public health cadre to lead preventive and promotive public health programmes and manage public health delivery. With the aim being to increase community confidence in primary health care, along with the need to augment primary healthcare infrastructure, we argue for a need to augment primary healthcare with physicians trained in family medicine. Provisioning medical officers and general practitioners trained in family medicine can salvage community's confidence in primary care, increase primary healthcare utilization, stymie over-specialization of care, channelize and prioritize referrals, and guarantee competence in healthcare quality for rural communities.

Authors’ Names: Allen Prabhaker Ugargol, Arnab Mukherji, Ritika Tiwari

Journal Name: The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia

URL: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lansea/article/PIIS2772-3682(23)00057-4/fulltext