IIMB’s vision and mission entail thought leadership, innovation, and excellence in education. The faculty at IIMB engages in original academic research and in developing case studies to expand the frontiers of knowledge and evolve tools for an enriching classroom experience. This report provides details of these research and publication activities at IIMB from April 2022 to March 2023. This year, IIMB faculty members have published 82 papers in academic journals. In addition, they have written 15 cases, which are distributed by Harvard Business Publishing (HBP). They have also published 9 books during the year. IIMB continues to distribute case studies through HBP. The research culture at IIMB is enriched by seminars at which researchers from various academic institutes and research organizations share their work. Over 36 researchers from across the globe visited IIMB and delivered research seminars. Several conferences and open house meetings were conducted as well to discuss contemporary research themes. Faculty members and doctoral students gained national and international recognition for their outstanding work by winning 27 awards during this period. We look forward to continuing the momentum towards increased research output, both in terms of quality and quantity, in the future.

IIMB’s vision and mission entail thought leadership, innovation, and excellence in education. The faculty at IIMB engages in original academic research and in developing case studies to expand the frontiers of knowledge and evolve tools for an enriching classroom experience. This report provides details of these research and publication activities at IIMB from April 2022 to March 2023. This year, IIMB faculty members have published 82 papers in academic journals. In addition, they have written 15 cases, which are distributed by Harvard Business Publishing (HBP). They have also published 9 books during the year. IIMB continues to distribute case studies through HBP. The research culture at IIMB is enriched by seminars at which researchers from various academic institutes and research organizations share their work. Over 36 researchers from across the globe visited IIMB and delivered research seminars. Several conferences and open house meetings were conducted as well to discuss contemporary research themes. Faculty members and doctoral students gained national and international recognition for their outstanding work by winning 27 awards during this period. We look forward to continuing the momentum towards increased research output, both in terms of quality and quantity, in the future.