Journal Article: 'Responsible sourcing by improving workplace safety through buyer-supplier collaboration' - Prof. Jishnu Hazra and Prakash Awasthy

Abstract: The research study examines a problem where a buyer and a supplier collaborate to improve safety at the supplier’s facility. Using analytical frameworks, Professor Jishnu Hazra, from the Production & Operations Management area at IIMB and the co-author of the paper, determines and characterizes optimal policies from buyers, suppliers, and system safety perspectives. The authors find that a low capability supplier prefers Accord when the buyer’s capability is high and Alliance, otherwise. However, from a safety perspective, for small capability supplier, Alliance should never be preferred, they conclude.
Authors’ Names: Prakash Awasthy and Jishnu Hazra
Journal Name: European Journal of Operational Research
Volume, Issue, Page Numbers: Volume 274, Issue 1, 1 April 2019, Pages 155-164
Journal Article: 'Responsible sourcing by improving workplace safety through buyer-supplier collaboration' - Prof. Jishnu Hazra and Prakash Awasthy
Abstract: The research study examines a problem where a buyer and a supplier collaborate to improve safety at the supplier’s facility. Using analytical frameworks, Professor Jishnu Hazra, from the Production & Operations Management area at IIMB and the co-author of the paper, determines and characterizes optimal policies from buyers, suppliers, and system safety perspectives. The authors find that a low capability supplier prefers Accord when the buyer’s capability is high and Alliance, otherwise. However, from a safety perspective, for small capability supplier, Alliance should never be preferred, they conclude.
Authors’ Names: Prakash Awasthy and Jishnu Hazra
Journal Name: European Journal of Operational Research
Volume, Issue, Page Numbers: Volume 274, Issue 1, 1 April 2019, Pages 155-164