Journal Article: 'Hybrid Cloud Computing Investment Strategies' - Prof. Jishnu Hazra & Tarun Jain

Abstract: Cloud providers such as Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft are leasing their computing resources to various businesses, providing them an alternative to investing in expensive hardware. Motivated by examples from the cloud computing industry, Professor Jishnu Hazra, from the Production & Operations Management area at IIMB, with his co-author, study interaction between a buyer and a public cloud provider. In their paper, they address the question as to how buyers decide on the capacity portfolio of private and public clouds through a stylized model. They also analyze the impact of the buyer’s demand uncertainty on the capacity portfolio decision.
Authors’ Names: Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra
Journal Name: Production and Operations Management
Publication Details: 06 January 2019
Journal Article: 'Hybrid Cloud Computing Investment Strategies' - Prof. Jishnu Hazra & Tarun Jain
Abstract: Cloud providers such as Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft are leasing their computing resources to various businesses, providing them an alternative to investing in expensive hardware. Motivated by examples from the cloud computing industry, Professor Jishnu Hazra, from the Production & Operations Management area at IIMB, with his co-author, study interaction between a buyer and a public cloud provider. In their paper, they address the question as to how buyers decide on the capacity portfolio of private and public clouds through a stylized model. They also analyze the impact of the buyer’s demand uncertainty on the capacity portfolio decision.
Authors’ Names: Tarun Jain and Jishnu Hazra
Journal Name: Production and Operations Management
Publication Details: 06 January 2019