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IIMB Management Review

Journal of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

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Journal Article: 'A Simple Model of Sink Capacity' - Prof. Deepak Malghan

Deepak Malghan

Abstract: The ongoing COIVD19 pandemic has brought public attention to exponential growth dynamics. “Flatten the curve” has become the clarion call of public health systems around the world struggling to cope with the burgeoning pandemic. Can ecological economists use this “meme moment” to bring exponential growth into the public discourse on sustainability? We present a modest proposal rooted in the elementary arithmetic of exponential growth. Our proposal calls for thinking about resilient and sustainable societies as an “(un)flatten the curve” exercise.

Author Name : Deepak Malghan
Journal Name : Ecological Economics
URL : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800920308600

Journal Article: 'A Simple Model of Sink Capacity' - Prof. Deepak Malghan

Abstract: The ongoing COIVD19 pandemic has brought public attention to exponential growth dynamics. “Flatten the curve” has become the clarion call of public health systems around the world struggling to cope with the burgeoning pandemic. Can ecological economists use this “meme moment” to bring exponential growth into the public discourse on sustainability? We present a modest proposal rooted in the elementary arithmetic of exponential growth. Our proposal calls for thinking about resilient and sustainable societies as an “(un)flatten the curve” exercise.

Author Name : Deepak Malghan
Journal Name : Ecological Economics
URL : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800920308600