Professor G Shainesh has over two decades of research and teaching experience in India and abroad. He has conducted collaborative research and teaching assignments at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), HEC Paris, Audencia Nantes and IESEG (France), Vienna University and MCI Innsbruck (Austria), Bocconi University (Milan), Curtin University of Technology (Perth) and the American University of Armenia (Yerevan). His research and teaching focus on Digital Marketing Strategies, CRM, Services Marketing and Service Innovations. At IIMB, Shainesh has served as Dean – Administration (2014-17), Chair – Executive Education (2020-23), Chair – EPGP (2013-14) and Chair – Student Exchange Program (2006-09). He serves the Boards of the Academy of International Business - South Asia Chapter(AIB-SAC) as the Vice Chair and the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS)
His books include ‘Marketing Management’ 16E (Indian Adaptation, 2022, Pearson, ‘Social Media Marketing: Emerging Concepts and Applications’, (2018, Palgrave Macmillan), Customer Relationship Management– A Strategic Perspective (2006, Trinity Press) and Customer Relationship Management – Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications (21st Reprint 2017; McGraw Hill, New Delhi). Shainesh’s online courses on Digital Marketing Strategy, CRM and Services Marketing are offered on edX and Swayam platforms.
Significant Publications
- Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Alexander Chernev, Jagdish N Sheth and G. Shainesh (2022) ‘Marketing Management’ 16E (Indian Adaptation), Pearson India; New Delhi.
- Githa Heggde and G. Shainesh (Eds.) (2018), ‘Social Media Marketing: Emerging Concepts and Applications’, Palgrave Macmillan.
- G. Shainesh and Jagdish N. Sheth (2006), Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Perspective, (Trinity Press, Laxmi Publications).
- Jagdish N. Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar and G. Shainesh (Eds.), Customer Relationship Management - Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications, (21st Reprint 2017), McGraw Hill Education.
Coffee Table Book
- G. Shainesh, Priya Venkatesh and Karthikeyan S (2024) ‘Exploring Nature – Flora and Fauna of IIM Bangalore’, Altrim Publishers, Barcelona – Chandigarh
Journal Articles:
- Mahadevan, Dhrithi and G. Shainesh (2024). "Conceptualizing Customer Experience in Multi-Actor Platforms". Academy of Marketing Science Review
- Sergej von Janda, G. Shainesh, Christina Maria Hillebrand (2020), ‘Studying Heterogeneity in the Subsistence Consumer Market: A Context-Sensitive Approach’, Journal of International Marketing,
- Von Janda, Sergej., Kuester, S., Schuhmacher, M.C. and Shainesh, G. (2020). What frugal products are and why they matter: A cross-national multi-method study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 246, p.118977.
- Gopalakrishnan Narayanamurthy, Roger Moser, Yves Sutter, G. Shainesh, (2017) "Indian healthcare value chain – status quo not a sustainable solution", Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 11 Issue: 4, pp.481-506,
- Anup Krishnamurthy and G. Shainesh (2017) "Snubbing the old to embrace the new: the impact of cross-buying on the usage of existing services", Journal of Services Marketing, (forthcoming),
- Srinivasan,V., Shainesh, G. and Anand Sharma, (2015), ‘An Approach to Prioritize Customer-Based, Cost-Effective Service Enhancements’, The Service Industries Journal,
- Shirish Srivastava and G Shainesh (2015), ‘Bridging the Service Divide Through Digitally Enabled Service Innovations: Evidence from Indian Healthcare Service Providers' , MIS Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 1 (March), pp. 245-267.
Nominated for European Research Paper of the Year 2016 award
On Page 17 - Vinekar A, Gilbert C, Dogra M, Kurian M, Shainesh G, Shetty B and Bauer N (2014) ‘The KIDROP model of combining strategies for providing retinopathy of prematurity screening in underserved areas in India using wide-field imaging, tele-medicine, non-physician graders and smart phone reporting'. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology; 62 (1), 41-9.
- Shainesh, G. (2012), ‘Effects of Trustworthiness and Trust on Loyalty Intentions: Validating a Parsimonious Model in Banking’, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 30, Iss: 4 267 – 279.
- Gehrt, K., Rajan, M. N., Shainesh, G., Czerwinski, D. and O’Brien, M. (2012), ‘Emergence of Online Shopping in India: Shopping Orientation Segments’ International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 40, Iss: 10, pp. 742 - 758.
- Jan H. Schumann, Florian v.Wangenhei, Anne Stringfellow, Zhi Lin Yang, Sandra Praxmarer, Fernando R. Jime´nez, Vera Blazevic, Randall M. Shannon, Shainesh G, and Marcin Komor, (2010) ‘Drivers of Trust in Relational Service Exchange: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences’ Journal of Service Research, November, Vol. 13, 4: pp. 453-468.
- Jan H. Schumann, Florian v. Wangenheim, Anne Stringfellow, Zhilin Yang, Vera Blazevic, Sandra Praxmarer, G. Shainesh, Marcin Komor, Randall M. Shannon, and Fernando R. Jiménez (2010) ‘Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Received Word of Mouth Referral in Relational Service Exchange’, Journal of International Marketing, September Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 62–80.
- Sheth, J.N., Sisodia, R. and Shainesh, G. (2005), ‘How Competition will Shape Indian Markets’, Journal of Marketing & Communication, Vol. 1, No.1, May, pp. 1-17.
- Sheth, J.N. and Shainesh, G. (2005), ‘Customer Relationship Management – The Strategic Imperatives’, Revue Francais du Marketing, May, pp. 85-98.
- Malhotra,N.K. Ulgado, F.M, Agarwal, J., Shainesh, G. and Wu, L. (2005), ‘Dimensions of Service Quality in Developed and Developing Economies: Multi-Country Cross-Cultural Comparisons’, International Marketing Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 256-278.
- Shainesh, G. (2004), ‘Understanding Buyer Behavior in Software Services – Strategies for Indian Firms’, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 118-127.
- Pisharodi, R. M., Angur, M., Shainesh, G. (2003), ‘Relationship Strategy, Effectiveness, and Responsiveness in Services Marketing’ Journal of Relationship Marketing Volume 2, No. 1/2, pp. 3-22
- Shainesh, G. and Sharma, T. (2003), ‘Linkages Between Service Climate and Service Quality – A Study of Banks in India’, IIMB Management Review, September, pp. 74-81.
- Shainesh, G., and Mathur, M. (2000), ‘Service Quality Measurement: The Case of Railway Freight Services’, Vikalpa, July – September, pp. 15-22.
International Conference Proceedings:
- Shainesh, G., Citrin, A., and Malhotra, N. (Eds.) (2002), Proceedings of the international conference "Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services in the Global Environment" at the IIM Bangalore, December 27-28, 2002, ISBN 81-901475-0-2.
Chapters in Books / Papers in Conference Proceedings / Roundtable:
- Shirish A., Srivastava S.C., Shainesh G. (2020) Can Technology Be Leveraged for Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide?. In: Hattingh M., Matthee M., Smuts H., Pappas I., Dwivedi Y., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. I3E 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12067. Springer, Cham.
- G. Shainesh (2018), ‘Customer Centricity in the Digital Age: Rediscovering Value’ in Atul Parvatiyar & Rajendra Sisodia (2018) 'Handbook of Advances in Marketing in an Era of Disruptions: Essays in Honour of Jagdish N. Sheth', pp. 215-222, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
- Messner, W., Shainesh, G., & Zalesky, N. (2017). Succeeding in India. Business Expert Press.
- Shwetha Mangalesh, Anand Vinekar, Suhruta Kulkarni, Shainesh G, Chaitra Jayadev, Noel Bauer, Bhujang Shetty (2015), ‘Estimating the cost of ROP treatment and services: A Mathematical Model’, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, June, 56 (7):946.
- Shainesh (2014), ‘Service Innovations in Emerging Markets’, Foreword to Goyal, A. (ed.) (2014), ‘Marketing and Management: Strategies for Emerging Economies’, Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, PA, ISBN 978-1-4666-4672-8, pp. xv-xvi.
- Shainesh, G. (2014), ‘Classifying Tommy Andersson’s Research on Festivals’, in John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg and Lena Mossberg (Eds.) (2014), ‘Turism och Ekonomi: En vänbok till Tommy D Andersson’ (Festschrift for Prof. Tommy Andersson) ISBN: 91-7246-324-0, pp. 76-78.
- Shainesh, G. Zeeshan Sultan, and Jurgen Weigand (2012) ‘Market Entry and Expansion Strategies of Indian IT Firms into the European IT Outsourcing Industry , in Ulrich Bäumer, Peter Kreutter and Wolfgang Messner (Eds.) (2012), ‘Globalization of Professional Services: Innovative Strategies, Successful Processes, Inspired Talent Management, and First-Hand Experiences, Springer: London, pp. 23-32.
- Gehrt, K., Rajan, M. N., Shainesh, G., Czerwinski and O’Brien, M. ‘Emergence of Online Shopping in India: Shopping Orientation Segments. AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference 2012 “Marketing in the Socially-Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant & Resurgent Markets", August 17-19, 2012, Chicago.
- Malhotra, Naresh K., James Agarwal and G. Shainesh (2012) ‘A Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Comparison of Consumers’ Service Quality Perception and Satisfaction: Exploring the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance’, International Conference in Marketing, January 2012. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India.
- Gossain, A. and Shainesh, G. (2011) ‘Impact of Service Recovery Fairness Perceptions On Customer Relationships’ 2011 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Reims School of Management, July 19-23.
- Shainesh, G. and Nagadevara, V. (2011) ‘An Approach to Engaging with Customers Enrolled in Rewards Program’, 12th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED), Singapore Management University, July 21-23.
- G. Shainesh (2006), ‘Marketing and Sustainability – Emerging Opportunities for Profitable Growth: Discussions’ IIMB Management Review, March, pp. 69-84.
- Naresh K. Malhotra, James Agarwal, Francis M. Ulgado and G Shainesh (2006), ‘Differences in Perceived Service Quality Between Developed and Developing Countries: How Developing Countries Can Improve Their Competitiveness in the Outsourcing of Services’, Proceedings of the IMRC2006 - Global Competitiveness through Outsourcing: Implications for Services & Manufacturing, July 13 – 15, 2006, Bangalore, India.
- G. Shainesh and Debanjan Dasgupta (2005), ‘Transitioning from Services to Products: A Roadmap for Software Service Providers’, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial World Marketing Congress (Organised by the Academy of Marketing Science), July 6-9, 2005 at Muenster, Germany.
- G. Shainesh (2002), ‘Determinants of Buyer Behavior in Software Services’ Proceedings of the international conference ‘Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services in the Global Environment’ at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, December 27-28, 2002, ISBN 81-901475-0-2, pp. 9-13.
- Choudhuri, A. and Shainesh. G. (2001), ‘Implementing a Technology based CRM Solution: The ICICI Experience’, in Jagdish N. Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar and G. Shainesh (eds.), Customer Relationship Management – Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill: New Delhi, pp. 174-184.
- Shainesh, G., and Ramneesh, M., (2001), ‘Status of Customer Relationship Management in India - A Survey of Service Firms’, in Jagdish N. Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar and G. Shainesh (eds.), Customer Relationship Management – Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill: New Delhi, pp.349-358. Also hosted on the Academic Papers Section of the CRM Forum Website, /academy.
- Mookerjee, A. and Shainesh, G., (2000), 'Developing Measures for the Service Quality and Relationship Strength Determinants of Customer Loyalty', in Raghavachari, M. and Ramani, K. V., Delivering Service Quality : Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century, Macmillan India Ltd.: New Delhi, pp. 29-35.
- Xavier, M. J. and Shainesh, G., (2000) ‘Modeling Customer Evaluation of Banking Service – The Antecedents and Consequences of Service Value’ in Raghavachari, M. and Ramani, K. V., Delivering Service Quality: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century, Macmillan India Ltd.: New Delhi, pp. 78-84.
- Shainesh, G., and Mathur, M. (2000) ‘Increasing the Competitiveness of Railway Freight Services through Service Quality’ in Raghavachari, M. and Ramani, K. V., Delivering Service Quality : Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century, Macmillan India Ltd.: New Delhi, pp. 533-540.
- Shainesh, G., ‘Enhancing Customer Relationships through Effective Supply Chain - Putting the Act Together’ in B. S. Sahay (1999), Supply Chain Management for Global Competitiveness, Macmillan India Ltd.: New Delhi, pp. 1115 - 1127.
Article in Business Periodicals:
- S. Raghunath and G. Shainesh (2023), ‘Making ‘Make in India’ work for the Aerospace and Defence Sector’, Financial Express, May 9. - G. Shainesh (2020), ‘Emerging Marketing Trends’ Brand Equity, Economic Times, Dec 31, 2020
- G. Shainesh (2020), ‘Managers in the digital age can transition into leadership roles quicker’ The Hindu Business Line, Nov 18
- Shainesh, G. (2007), ‘Environment-friendly Tag is not yet a Selling Point in India' Economic Times, August 16.
- Messner, W. and Shainesh G, (2006), ‘Retail Market India: Paradise for Foreign Banks', Die Bank, September, pp. 8-13.
- Shainesh, G., and Ramneesh, M., (2000), 'The Super Intendance of Customer Kinship', Business and Strategy, August, pp. 19-22.
His focus is on Digital Marketing Strategies, CRM, Services Marketing and Service Innovations.
He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Indian Business Research (JIBR), an Emerald (UK) publication. His papers on services and relationship marketing have been published in the MIS Quarterly, Journal of Service Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Bank Marketing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Relationship Marketing, International Marketing Review, among others.
He has worked for several organizations in the public, the non-profit and the corporate sectors, including telecom, software, engineering and service firms, both as an advisor and as a seminar leader. His clients include ABB, Aventis Pharma, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Caterpillar, Ericsson, Indian Oil, Manipal Universal, NCSM, Philips, SKF, Indian Railways, IFFCO, ICPB, Ministry of Tourism, Power Ministry, TRIFED, Sanskriti, Pradan, etc.
- Fellow, IIM Bangalore, India, 1996
- BTech, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India, 1989
At IIMB, he leads the cross functional research initiative on consumer insights . His case study Narayana Nethralaya: Expanding Affordable Eye Care won the second prize in the GlobaLens 2014 NextBillion Case Writing Competition. He was named ‘Best Professor in Marketing’ by the CMO Asia Council during the ‘Best B-Schools in Asia Awards’, July 2011, Singapore. He is also a past winner of the Citibank Special Research Award (1994) and P D Agarwal TCI Award for Doctoral Research in Management (1995).