Professor Srinivasan is a Professor in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Area.
Her research interests are in the field of Multi-generations in the Workplace, Women in Management and Boards, Ethics Teaching in Business Schools, HRM in Rapid Growth Organizations and Ethics, and CSR in Micro, Small and Mid-sized enterprises.
Journal Publications:
- Makhecha, U. P., Srinivasan, V., Prabhu, G. N., & Mukherji, S. (2016). Multi-level gaps: a study of intended, actual and experienced human resource practices in a hypermarket chain in India. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-39.
- Reddy, C. M., & Srinivasan, V. (2015). Dialogue on leadership development. IIMB Management Review, 27(1), 44-55.
- Sardeshmukh, Shruti R. and Srinivasan, V. (2014) ICT and Work-family Balance: Context of Indian Software Services. Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, 24(1), 40-54
- Srinivasan, V. and Chandwani, R. (2014) HRM Innovations in Rapid Growth Contexts: The Healthcare Sector in India. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(10)
- Srinivasan, V., Murty, LS, and Nakra, M. (2013) Career Persistence of Women Software Professionals in India. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(4)
- Chatterjee, C. and Srinivasan, V. (2013) Ethics in the Healthcare Sector in India. IIMB Management Review, 25(1), 49-62
- Srinivasan, V. (2012). Developing a "Responsible Business" Course for Business Schools in India. Vikalpa, 37(2), 102-108
- Srinivasan, V. (2012) Multi-generations in the Workforce: Building Collaboration. IIMB Management Review, 24(1)
- Srinivasan, V. (2012) Business Ethics in the South and South East Asia. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(1), 73-81
- Khatri, N., Ojha, AK, Budhwar, P., Srinivasan, V., and Varma, A. (2012) Management Research in India: Current State and Future Directions. IIMB Management Review, 24(2), 104-115
- Das, B., Rao, M., and Srinivasan, V. (2012) Bridging the Cross Cultural Transformational Li (Distance Measure) at Huawei Technology India Private Limited. South Asian Journal of Management, 19(1)
- Krishnan, RT, Reddy, CM, Srinivasan, V., and Jaiswa,l M. (2011) The Leadership Journey in the Murugappa Group. Vikalpa, 36(4)
- Valk, R. and Srinivasan, V. (2011) Work Family Balance of Indian Women Software Professionals: A Qualitative Study. IIMB Management Review, 23(1), 39-50
Book Chapters:
- Srinivasan, V., Ajith-John, D., and Nirmala, M. (2014) Generational Cohorts and Personal Values: An Exploratory Study in The Indian Workplace in Generational Diversity at Work: New Perspectives. (Ed.) Parry, E (Publisher: Taylor & Francis)
- Srinivasan, V. and Gupta, A. (2013) Women Professionals in the Software Services Sector in India in Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers, (Eds.) Vinnicombe, S, Burke, RJ, Blake-Beard, S and Moore L. (Publisher: Edward-Elgar)
- Srinivasan, V. (2012) Business Ethics In Teaching, Training, and Research in South and South East Asia in Global Survey of Business Ethics in Teaching, Training and Research, (Eds.) Rossouw, D and Stuckelberger, C
- Chandwani, R., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., and Srinivasan, V. (2012) Narayana Hrudayalaya - How the HR Practices and Policies Enable Organizational Strategy Implementation in Innovations in People Management: Cases in Organizational Behavior, HR, and Communication, (Eds.) Bhatnagar, J., Bajaj, G. and Ghosh S. [Publisher: Macmillan (India)]
Research Reports:
- Batham, V., Sengupta, R., and Srinivasan, V. (2013) Rethinking Business Responsibility in India: A Review of Pharmaceutical and Private Healthcare Sectors, CUTS International, Jaipur, India.
- Srinivasan, V., Ajith-John, D., and Nirmala, M. (2014) Employee Generations in the Workforce in India, SHRM India
At IIM Bangalore, she teaches the core course on Managing People and Performance in Organizations and also offers an elective in Human Resource Management. She has designed and delivered sessions on leadership development and career management on Executive Education programmes.
She was an Indian Council for Cultural Relations Chair Professor for Corporate responsibility at the HHL Graduate School of Management Leipzig, Germany for the period 2012-13 on deputation.
She was also a British Council Visiting Scholar at the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at the Nottingham University Business School.
Professional Leadership:
- Board of Advisors – National HRD Network Bangalore Chapter
- Chairperson Fourth Wave Foundation, Bangalore
- Board member of Enable India Bangalore
- Member of the India leadership team of, a Geneva based organization
- She runs a website, which has about 900 members and promotes teaching in Business Ethics and CSR in India.
She has consulted extensively for both Indian and multinational companies in the field of leadership development. She has designed, developed, and delivered programmes to build the leadership pipeline for organizations. She has worked with technology and R&D organizations to build their technical leadership talent.
She has also designed and delivered “Tanmatra: Women in Leadership” – a leadership development programme exclusively for senior women leaders in business in collaboration with Catalyst India and IBM.
- Fellow Programme in Management (PhD equivalent), IIM Bangalore, India
- PGD in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, XLRI, Jamshedpur, India
- Bachelor of Commerce, Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore University, India