Walkway with plants growing on the side at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.



Hiroshima University has a very unique history for more than 150 years in Hiroshima. We have been challenging and developing every and each year to fulfil its roles as a national university with these 12 schools and 4 graduate schools at 3 campuses. As of May, 2024, 10,645 students study at Hiroshima University as well as 4,631 Graduate Students. We have 1,831 international students from 96 Countries/Regions. Hiroshima University has been selected one of the 13 top global universities in Japan since 2014 and famous as one of the top research universities in Japan.

Summary of AGILE Entrepreneurship program
Funded by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT)
Program Name Agile Entrepreneurship Development Program through International Collaborative Learning
Program Features
    This program consists of 4 phases.
  • Phase 1: Exchange through COIL-type education with students at participating Universities (online) *COIL-Collaborative Online International Learning
  • Phase 2: AGILE workshop in AY2025, Hiroshima University
  • Phase 3: One or two semester exchange program
  • Phase 4: Internship program during the exchange program
Participating Universities (Consortium)
    Japan: Hiroshima University (HU)
  • UK: The University of Sheffield
  • India: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
  • Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
  • AUS: The University of New South Wales
Program Homepage https://agile-indopacific.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/

[Fall and/or Spring Semester 2025-2026] Semester Exchange program for AGILE Program
Semester Period
  • 1. Fall AY2025(October,2025-March, 2026)
  • 2. Spring AY2026(April-August, 2026)
  • 3. Fall & Spring AY2025-2026(Oct,2025-August,2026
  • Areas of Study Open for Exchange Students
  • The exchange students are eligible to choose from most of the undergraduate courses taught at Higashi Hiroshima Campus (Main Campus). https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/husa/abouthusaprogram_top/academicprogram/coursetypes
  • *The exchange students are required to take “Introduction to Special education in Japan” and/or “Study on Japanese Companies and Social Entrepreneurship” as well as Japanese education course.
  • Tuition
  • Not applicable
  • (Student Selected does not need to pay tuition to HU)
  • Residence
  • Arranged by HU and payment by exchange student near the Main Campus
  • https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/explore_hu/life/residence
  • Program Homepage https://agile-indopacific.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/
    Scholarship 80,000JPY per month  funded by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) *The academic performance for the most recent year prior to studying abroad must meet JASSO's standard, with a GPA of 2.3 or higher on a 3.0 scale.
    Airfare Funded either fully or partially and arranged by Hiroshima University.

    Highlights: As a breakthrough initiative, 17 undergrad students from BBA DBE program have been selected and nominated for joining this AGILE COIL program and would be undergoing online modules on entrepreneurship.