Chairperson’s Message

As the weight of the global economy shifts eastward, the India – Japan relationship is gaining in salience - from a geopolitical perspective, through the economic partnership and in furthering regional initiatives. Japan’s excellence in manufacturing, industrial organisation and advanced technologies is complemented by India’s capabilities in software, services, skills and entrepreneurship. To fully exploit this vast potential for cooperation, there needs to be greater depth and breadth of bilateral linkages in the triple helix of government, academia and business.

The Mizuho India-Japan Centre seeks to be a focal point of intellectual engagement for corporate leaders, academicians, thinkers and public entities invested in the India-Japan relationship and a platform for promoting bilateral projects and initiatives. With its rich intellectual resources, connect with corporate India and strategic location, IIM Bangalore is an ideal setting for the Centre to further these objectives.

Prof. Jaideep Sarkar
Mizuho India-Japan Study Centre IIMB